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发布时间:2018-10-10 17:14
【摘要】:伴随全球的气候变暖,北极丰富的海洋资源及商业化通航的航道成为各国觊觎的目标。2007年8月,俄罗斯北极科考队在北极点的北冰洋底插上了钛合金国旗,致使世界各国针对北极区域的“明争暗斗”瞬间进入了全世界的视线。 北极地区复杂的地缘政治局势,多元的利益主体,也决定了国际法,尤其是国际公约等“硬法”规范在北极适用上的局限性。诸多以协商机制为基础的,没有强制约束力的“国际软法”在北极却大行其道,使得北极成为“软法”治理的绝佳范本。 除引言和结论外,本文包括4章正文: 引言部分阐释了选题背景及现状、研究的基本思路观点及拟解决的关键问题、研究方法及创新之处。 第一章首先介绍了“北极”相关概念,阐述了北极的法律地位,接着分析了国际社会聚焦北极的原因所在,并梳理了北极问题的具体内容。 第二章客观分析了现行国际公约等国际硬法在北极问题解决上所面临的困境与挑战,进而论证现行国际硬法机制在北极问题适用上的不足之处。 第三章在论述国际“软法”相关的基本理论基础上,重点比较分析国际硬法与软法在北极问题上的法律规制,论证了软法与北极法律规制的契合,并梳理了软法规制的形式,最后阐述“软法”在北极争端规制中所发挥的不可替代作用。 第四章结合北极问题的发展趋势,提出在软法视角下,我国参与北极问题的基本策略和措施,以保障我国在北极开发、利用等方面的国家利益。
[Abstract]:With global warming, the Arctic's rich marine resources and commercial shipping lanes have become coveted targets. In August 2007, Russian Arctic expedition teams planted the titanium flag at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean at the North Pole. As a result, countries around the world against the Arctic region, "fight" instant into the eyes of the world. The complex geopolitical situation in the Arctic region and the pluralistic interest subjects also determine the limitation of the application of international law, especially the hard law norms such as international conventions in the Arctic. Many non-binding international soft laws, based on consultation mechanisms, have flourished in the Arctic, making the Arctic an excellent model for soft law governance. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper includes four chapters: the introduction explains the background and current situation of the topic, the basic ideas of the research and the key problems to be solved, the research methods and innovations. The first chapter first introduces the concept of "Arctic", expounds the legal status of the Arctic, then analyzes the reason why the international community focuses on the Arctic, and combs the specific contents of the Arctic problem. The second chapter objectively analyzes the difficulties and challenges faced by international hard law such as existing international conventions in solving Arctic problems, and further demonstrates the shortcomings of the current international hard law mechanism in the application of Arctic problems. On the basis of discussing the basic theories of international "soft law", the third chapter compares and analyzes the legal regulation of international hard law and soft law on the Arctic issue, demonstrates the agreement between soft law and Arctic legal regulation, and combs the form of soft law system. Finally, the paper expounds the irreplaceable role of soft law in Arctic dispute regulation. The fourth chapter proposes the basic strategies and measures to participate in Arctic issues from the perspective of soft law in order to protect our national interests in Arctic development and utilization.


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