[Abstract]:Anti-dumping measures, as an important means of trade relief, have been widely used by various countries. In order to ensure the free development of international trade and realize the purpose of WTO, WTO formulated the Anti-dumping Agreement to make anti-dumping measures more standardized. The three important elements of applying anti-dumping measures are dumping, injury, and there is a causal relationship between dumping and injury, and whether it can be proved that there is a causal relationship between the fact of injury and the act of dumping plays a decisive role in initiating anti-dumping measures. However, the relevant provisions of GATT/WTO on antidumping causality are very principled, and there is no uniform standard for the identification of anti-dumping causality, which countries and scholars do not have a consistent understanding. Since 1997, China has been the country that suffered the most anti-dumping investigation for many years, many products have been levied high anti-dumping duty, resulting in huge losses of our economy and related competitive industries. Based on the WTO rules and the legislation and antidumping practices of some countries and regions, this paper attempts to study the problem of causality in anti-dumping cases in China, and puts forward some suggestions for reference to the legislation and practice of antidumping in China. Mainly from the following four aspects to discuss. The first part discusses the basic issues of anti-dumping causality. This paper first analyzes the reasons why China has become the biggest victim of international anti-dumping, and then defines the causality, that is, the broad sense of causation and the causation in antidumping, and philosophy. The causality of tort law in civil law is distinguished, and then the main criterion of causality in WTO Agreement of Anti-dumping is introduced, that is, "main cause" standard, "substantial cause" standard and "one of causes" standard. The second part analyzes the causality of anti-dumping under the framework of GATT/WTO. This paper first introduces the historical evolution of the rules of anti-dumping causality under the framework of GATT/WTO, and then analyzes the specific provisions on causation in the current WTO Agreement on Anti-dumping. At the same time, this paper analyzes the main viewpoints and reasons of amending the Anti-dumping Agreement in the Doha Round negotiation, and compares the advantages and disadvantages of the various viewpoints. The third part reviews the application of causality in anti-dumping practice between the United States, the European Union and China, which is mainly analyzed by the method of combining theory with cases. On the basis of the analysis of the first three parts, the fourth part puts forward some suggestions to perfect the criterion of causality in China's antidumping legislation, and puts forward some feasible solutions to the international anti-dumping cases against China in practice.
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