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发布时间:2018-10-13 17:18
【摘要】:从关贸总协定到世界贸易组织,为全球经济创造了一个有保障、可预见的国际贸易环境,使自由贸易持续发展。但是,随着经济全球化和国际贸易的发展,环境与贸易之间的关系问题越来越成为国际社会关注的焦点。强调贸易自由化和加强环境保护是当前人类社会所共同追求的两大发展目标。然而,在上述目标的实现过程中,又隐含着两者之间内在的矛盾。以促进贸易自由化为已任的WTO也不得不面对世界经济一体化和环境保护全球化必须并存的现实。人们看到在WTO的体制下,随着多边贸易谈判的深入,贸易自由化趋势的加强,自由贸易与环境保护的法律冲突日显突出。对于我国来说,经济的快速的发展引发了许多环境问题,发达国家所采取的严格的环境标准措施使我国对外贸易面临十分严峻的形势。论文通过对WTO体制下自由贸易与环境保护冲突的分析,以及对国际社会为协调二者关系进行的实践和尝试的研究,力图找到自由贸易与环境保护法律协调的更好途径。 论文分为五章: 第一章导论,介绍论文的研究目的和意义,对国内外环境与贸易问题研究现状进行概括,并介绍论文结构、论文的创新点等。 第二章是WTO体制下贸易与环境关系的历史演进,旨在从纵向的角度介绍自由贸易与环境保护问题的产生与发展; 第三章介绍WTO体制下自由贸易与环境保护的法律冲突,主要内容包括WTO体制下贸易与环境的相互影响与WTO环境法律制度的特点,着重介绍WTO体制下自由贸易与环境保护法律冲突的体现,为后文的协调做铺垫; 第四章WTO体制下自由贸易与环境保护的法律协调,本章介绍一些具有代表性的国际组织的做法,揭示协调贸易与环境关系的难点,最后提出解决的构想; 第五章立足我国国情,分析我国对外贸易和环境保护遇到的困境,提出环境立法和发展对外贸易的建议。
[Abstract]:From GATT to WTO, it has created a secure and predictable international trade environment for the global economy and made free trade develop continuously. However, with the development of economic globalization and international trade, the relationship between environment and trade has become the focus of international attention. Trade liberalization and strengthening environmental protection are two common goals of human society. However, in the process of achieving the above-mentioned goals, there is also an inherent contradiction between the two. In order to promote trade liberalization, WTO has to face the reality that the globalization of world economy and environmental protection must coexist. People see that under the system of WTO, with the deepening of multilateral trade negotiations and the strengthening of the trend of trade liberalization, the conflict of laws between free trade and environmental protection becomes more and more prominent. For our country, the rapid development of economy has caused many environmental problems. The strict environmental standard measures adopted by developed countries make our foreign trade face a very serious situation. Through the analysis of the conflict between free trade and environmental protection under the WTO system, and the research on the practice and attempt of the international community to coordinate the relationship between the two, this paper tries to find a better way to coordinate the free trade and environmental protection laws. The thesis is divided into five chapters: the first chapter introduces the purpose and significance of the research, summarizes the current situation of the research on environment and trade issues at home and abroad, and introduces the structure of the paper, the innovation of the paper and so on. The second chapter is the historical evolution of the relationship between trade and environment under the WTO system, which aims to introduce the emergence and development of free trade and environmental protection from a vertical perspective. The third chapter introduces the legal conflicts between free trade and environmental protection under the WTO system. The main contents include the interaction between trade and environment under the WTO system and the characteristics of the WTO environmental legal system. This paper mainly introduces the embodiment of legal conflict between free trade and environmental protection under the WTO system, which lays the groundwork for the coordination of the following articles. Chapter IV, legal coordination between free trade and environmental protection under the WTO system, This chapter introduces the practices of some representative international organizations, reveals the difficulties in coordinating the relationship between trade and environment, and finally puts forward some ideas to solve the problem. This paper analyzes the difficulties encountered in China's foreign trade and environmental protection, and puts forward some suggestions on environmental legislation and development of foreign trade.


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