[Abstract]:The right basis of the continental shelf is the legal basis for the coastal States to claim the maritime rights and interests of their continental shelf. Article 76, paragraph 1, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea stipulates the right basis of the continental shelf. In the dispute between China and Japan on the delimitation of the continental shelf in the East China Sea, Japan's main reason for proposing the delimitation of the middle line is based on the emergence of the system of exclusive economic zones and the trend towards a single maritime delimitation. To prove that the distance standard within 200 nautical miles has replaced the principle of natural extension as the sole right basis of the continental shelf. From the point of view of treaty law, customary law and case law, to examine the relevant provisions of the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone and relevant international judicial jurisprudence, as well as the practice of States, It is not possible to conclude that the distance criterion within 200 nautical miles has replaced the principle of natural extension as the sole right basis of the continental shelf. In the delimitation dispute of the continental shelf in the East China Sea, China and Japan should adhere to the natural extension and settle the delimitation dispute on the principle of fairness.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学国际法研究所;
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