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发布时间:2018-10-23 17:09
【摘要】:公共秩序保留,作为国际私法领域的一项基本制度,是一国为维护其政治、经济、文化、法律等方面的重大利益而排除外国法的适用,或者拒绝提供司法协助的手段。然而,公共秩序保留并非起源于国际法律冲突,而是起源于区际法律冲突。缘于我国“两岸四地”独特的社会环境,公共秩序保留越来越受到重视,尤其是在区际民商事判决的承认与执行领域。 本文第一章介绍了公共秩序保留的内涵,以及区际冲突法下公共秩序保留的三种立法模式。公共秩序保留属弹性概念,其内涵随时间和地域的不同而改变,其在区际冲突法中的立法模式主要有完全适用公共秩序保留、不完全适用公共秩序保留和完全不适用公共秩序保留。 本文第二章着手分析我国区际民商事判决承认与执行中公共秩序保留的适用标准。公共秩序保留主要有主观说和客观说两种适用标准。笔者通过比较“两岸四地”区际民商事判决承认与执行中公共秩序保留适用标准的实践,提出公共秩序保留的适用标准应当适用客观说与主观说相结合的方式,即以客观说为主要标准,以主观说为辅助标准。 本文第三章着手分析我国区际民商事判决承认与执行中公共秩序保留的程度标准。笔者通过比较国外区际法律冲突中公共秩序保留程度标准的实践,以及“两岸四地”区际民商事判决承认与执行中公共秩序保留程度标准的实践,提出若干立法与司法建议。 最后,笔者认为,明确我国区际民商事判决承认与执行中公共秩序保留的适用标准,严格限制公共秩序保留的程度标准,有利于我国区际民商事判决的承认与执行。
[Abstract]:Public order reservation, as a basic system in the field of private international law, is a means for a country to exclude the application of foreign law in order to safeguard its political, economic, cultural, legal and other important interests, or to refuse to provide judicial assistance. However, the reservation of public order originates not from the conflict of international law, but from the conflict of law between regions. Due to the unique social environment of "the four places on both sides of the strait", the preservation of public order has been paid more and more attention, especially in the field of recognition and enforcement of inter-regional civil and commercial judgments. The first chapter introduces the connotation of public order reservation and three legislative models of public order reservation under inter-regional conflict of laws. The reservation of public order is a flexible concept, and its connotation changes with time and region. The legislative mode of public order reservation in the interregional conflict law mainly applies to the reservation of public order completely. The reservation of public order and the reservation of public order are not fully applicable. The second chapter analyzes the applicable standards of public order reservation in the recognition and enforcement of inter-regional civil and commercial judgments in China. There are two applicable standards of public order reservation: subjective and objective. By comparing the practice of the applicable standards of public order reservation in the recognition and enforcement of civil and commercial judgments between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, the author puts forward that the applicable standards of public order reservation should be applied in the combination of objective and subjective theories. That is to say, the objective theory is the main criterion, and the subjective theory is the auxiliary standard. In the third chapter, we analyze the standards of the degree of public order reservation in the recognition and enforcement of inter-regional civil and commercial judgments in China. By comparing the practice of the standards of the degree of public order reservation in the conflict of laws between regions abroad and the practice of the standards of the degree of reservation of public order in the recognition and enforcement of inter-regional civil and commercial judgments between the two sides of the strait, the author puts forward some legislative and judicial suggestions. Finally, the author thinks that it is beneficial for the recognition and execution of inter-regional civil and commercial judgments to define the applicable standards of public order reservation and strictly limit the degree of public order reservation in the recognition and enforcement of inter-regional civil and commercial judgments in China.


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