[Abstract]:With the increasing depletion of earth resources, the development of outer space has become the core content of the space strategy of various countries in recent years. With the successful docking of Shenzhou 9 in outer space, it further demonstrates the remarkable achievements our country has made since its own research and development of space technology. In order to ensure the healthy growth of space industry and space technology, perfect outer space legislation is essential. Under the background of various countries competing to develop outer space field, the international space legislation system has already had the embryonic form. Countries have also enacted their own outer space laws to promote the development of their outer space technology and industry. The outer space legislation of our country is still in the stage of construction. This paper holds that the outer space legislative system should take cosmic ethics as the core, follow the principles of benign interaction, unity, coordination and peaceful use in the process of constructing the outer space legislation system. The outer space legislation of our country is set up as the model law of international outer space legislation, so as to play a strategic role in the field of outer space of our country.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学法学院;
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