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发布时间:2018-10-26 08:05
【摘要】:海上贸易的繁荣,吸引了一大批以抢劫商船、敛取财物为生的群体——海盗。海盗的出现不仅严重的威胁到了船员的生命安全和财产安全,而且严重扰乱了国际船运业的正常有序发展。鉴于此,笔者希望通过本文为推动我国刑法与国际刑法的进一步接轨做出贡献。 本文分为引言、正文、结论三个部分,正文部分笔者将分四章进行阐述,主要内容如下: 第一章海盗罪的概述,重点介绍了海盗罪的概念、历史发展、现状及其危害。第二章分析了各国关于海盗犯罪的国内法律规制状况并就各国海盗罪立法的内容、局限性以及进步性进行了评议。第三章介绍了国际社会和联合国安理会对于惩治海盗犯罪所做出的贡献。首先,总结归纳了打击海盗罪的国际法规及联合国安理会的四项决议。接着笔者就这些国际法规范及文件进行了简单的评述,侧重点在于分析了《联合国海洋法公约》对海盗的定义的局限性。第四章分析了我国关于海盗罪立法方面存在的问题,建议采取对比的方式借鉴西方发达国家的先进立法经验,结合我国具体国情,明确规定海盗罪及其量刑标准,希望这些建议能够使中国有效地配合国际社会共同打击海盗犯罪。
[Abstract]:The prosperity of maritime trade attracted a large group of pirates who robbed merchant ships and collected money. The emergence of pirates not only seriously threatens the safety of crew life and property, but also seriously disturbs the normal and orderly development of international shipping industry. In view of this, the author hopes to contribute to the further integration of China's criminal law and international criminal law through this article. This paper is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The main contents are as follows: the first chapter summarizes the crime of piracy, focusing on the concept, historical development, current situation and harm of piracy crime. The second chapter analyzes the domestic legal regulation of piracy crime and comments on the content, limitation and progress of national piracy crime legislation. The third chapter introduces the contribution of the international community and the UN Security Council to punish the crime of piracy. Firstly, it summarizes the international laws and regulations of anti-piracy crime and four UN Security Council resolutions. Then the author makes a brief comment on these international law norms and documents, focusing on the analysis of the limitations of the definition of piracy in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Chapter four analyzes the problems existing in the legislation of piracy crime in our country, and suggests to draw lessons from the advanced legislative experience of western developed countries and to clearly stipulate the crime of piracy and its sentencing standard in combination with the specific conditions of our country. It is hoped that these suggestions will enable China to cooperate effectively with the international community in the fight against piracy.


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