[Abstract]:With the establishment of socialist market economy system and China's entry into WTO, China's policy of utilizing foreign capital will develop to a new stage. How to treat the treatment system of foreign investment has become a topic of much attention. The principle of national treatment is a basic principle of international communication. The implementation of national treatment for foreign investment is an important prerequisite for a country to participate in the integration of world economy. It is also a key measure to create an international first-class investment environment and strengthen international competition. The principle of national treatment for foreign investment is the manifestation of the principle of national treatment in the field of investment. The principle of national treatment for foreign investment mainly refers to the way in which a sovereign state, on the basis of reciprocity or treaties, grants foreigners (including natural and legal persons) the right to invest in property and investment. Investment activities, trade-related investment measures and judicial administrative remedies shall be treated no less favourably than that of nationals or legal persons. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the general theory of the national treatment of foreign capital from the aspects of the emergence and evolution of the national treatment, the object and scope of the application of the national treatment, the characteristics of the national treatment system, the relationship between the national treatment and other treatment, etc. This paper analyzes the regulations of the World Trade Organization on the national treatment, and takes the United States and Singapore as examples to illustrate the characteristics of the foreign investment policies of developed and developing countries and the national treatment of foreign capital, respectively. On this basis, the emphasis is on the analysis of the current situation of China's current foreign investment treatment system: in a certain extent, our country has implemented national treatment for foreign investment, which is reflected in our laws and regulations. In the bilateral investment protection agreement, there is also the non-standard situation of the coexistence of super-national treatment and sub-national treatment in the implementation. This paper points out the main problems existing in the current treatment system of foreign investment in China and the main factors that lead to the treatment system, such as the deviation of guiding ideology and understanding, the disunity of laws and regulations in our country, and the low degree of marketization and internationalization of economy, etc. According to the situation of China's economic development and the need of joining WTO, the necessity and possibility of implementing national treatment in China are further analyzed. Finally, according to the actual situation of our country, some suggestions are put forward to implement the national treatment in our country: first, to unify the domestic legal system; secondly, to reconstruct the foreign capital law system; third, to make use of the exception clause of the national treatment; The fourth bad return, Baishirou's father W MASTFR "S TIThSIS is actively cleaning up the relevant laws and regulations on foreign investment;" The fifth is to standardize the legislative authority.
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