[Abstract]:Umbrella clause is a very common clause in bits today. Because the clause could raise ordinary investment contract disputes to treaty disputes, the question of how to interpret the clause has created a great deal of controversy between the capital-exporting and capital-importing countries. Various arbitral tribunals have adopted different interpretation methods in arbitration practice, and even reached very different conclusions. Academic circles also have a great deal of interest in this issue, and have carried out a fierce debate. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the umbrella clause and traces the origin and development of the umbrella clause. The second chapter reviews the relevant cases concerning umbrella clause, introduces the theoretical and practical development of limited interpretation and extended interpretation, and compares and analyzes the divergences of the two interpretation methods. Chapter three discusses the scope of effect of umbrella clause, especially analyzes the influence of different wording on the scope of application of umbrella clause, the fourth chapter discusses the jurisdiction of umbrella clause case. Chapter five puts forward some suggestions on how to deal with the controversy of umbrella clause in our country.
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