[Abstract]:For a long time, the academic circles have different opinions on whether the individual has the status of subject of international law. " The negative theory fails to properly define the constituent elements of the subject of international law, neglects the difference between the subject of making law and the subject of rights and obligations, the source of rights and obligations and the state of rights and obligations, and neglects the existence of rights. The difference between the realization of the right and the remedy of the right, and the failure to properly explain the relationship between the existence of the obligation and the procedure of investigating legal responsibility, etc. The international legal personality of the individual is not clearly defined in international law, but the individual has the rights and obligations in international law in a specific scope, which can counter the international personality of the individual in this scope. Some domestic scholars worry that the recognition of the individual's status as a subject of international law will weaken the sovereignty of the state, which does not have sufficient theoretical and practical basis. After the second World War, the international law pays more and more attention to the individual, which involves the protection of the individual's rights and the punishment of the individual's international crime.
【作者单位】: 上海财经大学法学院;
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