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发布时间:2019-01-12 15:12
【摘要】:从战争时期战胜国大肆掠夺战败国的文物作为战利品,到现代社会文物走私演变为仅次于毒品的第二大国际性犯罪,文物的外流现象无不受到国际社会的关注。为了保护文物来源国的利益、保证文物市场的正常运行,,大多数国家都支持外流文物的返还并积极寻求各种追索方式。由于文物的巨大经济利益和特殊文化价值,国际民事诉讼程序的适用情形并不乐观。 目前,跨国文物诉讼案件所适用的一般性民事规则和民事诉讼规则存在很多不足之处。首先,文物是一种可移动的有形财产,易于携带。在跨国文物返还案件中,如果一味适用文物所在地管辖规则则和文物所在地法,容易导致非法分子挑选对其有利的国家进行文物交易。国家的主权豁免也可能阻碍法院管辖权的行使。其次,在国家以法律形式获得文物所有权的情形下,法院可能不会认定或不予执行该法律。而且,大陆法系的善意取得制度及时效规则也不利于文物原所有权人。 不过,部分国家已制定出专门的法律以规制文物的转让行为。这些新近制定的法律考虑到文物财产的特殊性,更有利于文物的返还。美国的最低限度接触管辖规则,时效制度的新发展,法院对国家商业活动、赋予国家文物所有权的法律性质的实质认定,都对原有诉讼规则进行了完善,以及英美法系对善意取得制度的否定均对文物的返还工作有着很大的推动作用。 面对文物的大量外流,我国通常使用回购、捐赠及外交等非法律方式进行追索。国际民事诉讼方式的较少使用,除了因为存在上述诉讼障碍外,还因为目前我国缺乏有力的法律规定。为此,本文从国际法和国内法角度,对完善我国外流文物的追索现状提出建议。
[Abstract]:From the victorious countries plundering the cultural relics of the defeated countries as trophies during the war to the smuggling of cultural relics in modern society into the second largest international crime after drugs, the phenomenon of cultural relic outflow has attracted the attention of the international community. In order to protect the interests of the country of origin of cultural relics and ensure the normal operation of the cultural relic market, most countries support the return of the outflow of cultural relics and actively seek various ways of recourse. Because of the great economic benefits and special cultural value of cultural relics, the application of international civil procedure is not optimistic. At present, there are many deficiencies in the general civil rules and civil procedure rules applied in transnational antiquities litigation cases. First, cultural relics are movable tangible property that is easy to carry. In the case of transnational return of cultural relics, if the rules of jurisdiction and the law of cultural relic location are applied blindly, it is easy for illegal elements to select countries that are favorable to them to carry out cultural relics transactions. The sovereign immunity of States may also impede the exercise of the jurisdiction of the Court. Second, where the state acquires ownership of cultural objects in the form of a law, the court may not determine or refuse to enforce the law. Moreover, the civil law system of bona fide acquisition and prescription rules are not conducive to the original owner of cultural relics. However, some countries have enacted special laws to regulate the transfer of cultural relics. These newly enacted laws take into account the particularity of cultural relics and are more conducive to the return of cultural relics. The United States' minimum contact with the jurisdiction rules, the new development of the statute of limitations system, the court's substantive determination of the commercial activities of the state and the legal nature of the ownership of the national cultural relics have all improved the original rules of procedure. The negation of bona fide acquisition system in Anglo-American law system promotes the return of cultural relics. In the face of the exodus of cultural relics, China usually uses non-legal means such as repurchase, donation and diplomacy to pursue its claims. The lack of use of international civil procedure is due to the lack of legal provisions in our country, in addition to the obstacles mentioned above. Therefore, from the point of view of international law and domestic law, this paper puts forward some suggestions to perfect the status quo of the tracing of outflow cultural relics in China.


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