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发布时间:2016-06-30 14:04


网友2286107238近日为您收集整理了关于巴勒斯坦难民问题在国际法中的法律分析的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:P111213IIIAbstractThe Arab-Israel conflicthas left many serious problems in the Middle East and allover the world as well. This thesis deals with Palestinian refugee problem which is one ofthe plicatedconsequencesof the conflict. Palestinian refugees are the peoplewho were forced to go away from theirown country because of the broke of war ,tillnow they are demanding their legal rights , right to return to their own motherland pensation for their losses.At present there are different opinions about signing in peace agreement betweenIsrael and Palestine .But there must be some fundamental rules before any future peacetreaty is signed. The treaty must make sure that the Palestinian refuges get back their legalrights under international law, regardless of their ethnic background, religious or nationalorigins and regardless of the reason behind their exodus. United Nation Resolutions haveexplicitly confirmed these rights.So for a peace agreement to be fair and durable it must include procedural terms thatshould be provided in a futuresettlement in order to ensure the implementation andsafeguard of such rights:?In accordance with international law principles and Resolution 194, refugees areclearly entitled to return to their homes and the restitution of their property. .Return andrestitution rights are independent of their right to pensationfor their losses.?Defining Palestinian Refugees. Israelis and Palestinians must agree to address theissue of a durable solution of the refugee problem during the permanent statusnegotiations, a definition for the term. “Palestinian refugee" for the purpose ofthese negotiations must be developed.IV?Free-Informed Refugee Choice. A negotiated agreement must provide guaranteesthat all Palestinian refugees will be permitted to makea free, voluntary, andachievable choice to exercise their right of return.?Changes in Domestic Laws. In the case of refugees choosing to exercise their rightto return to their places of origin inside Israel, Israel should reform its citizenshipand land laws in order to facilitate the return of Palestinian refugees.?Determining Entitlements .From a legal perspective, the terms of final statusagreement should be clear and functional in order to cover the rights of all partiesconcerned to the largestextent possible.?Gender Consideration. In establishing legal definition and parameters, negotiatorsshould take into account the gender implications. The determination of the right torepatriation pensation should not use solely be based on the definition of‘family unit’.?The Scope pensation. Parties will need to agree on a legal standard pensation in order to establish a fair estimate of losses incurred by Palestinians.?The Need for a Multilateral Approach. prehensive settlement scheme willallow Palestinians present in host States, Israel and third States to have ess to the established mechanisms in order to present their claims.


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