发布时间:2018-01-27 10:34
本文关键词: 抵销 破产抵销权 适用范围 行使限制 出处:《复旦大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:抵销肇始于罗马法,对大陆法系国家都有深远影响,英美法系国家用主请求权和交叉请求权的相应减少来表示抵销。破产抵销权,是民法上的抵销权在破产领域的延伸适用,是指债权人和债务人在破产案件受理前对互负债务的,无论债权债务种类品质是否相同,也不论该债权债务是否附有期限或者附有条件,均可以不依破产程序而用该破产债权抵销其对债务人所负债务的权利。破产抵销权能够减少破产费用,加快破产流程,具有经济便捷、担保债权、拓展信用交易等诸多功能。但是对破产抵销权存在的价值、法律地位和性质有诸多讨论。因为破产抵销权所蕴含的巨大的经济效益,可得适用的债权范围,以及限制适用的债权范围有诸多要求。我国破产法实施的时间不长,破产案件相对较少,再加上我国社会经济的复杂现状,所以抵销权在实践操作中出现诸多问题,探讨破产抵销权的理论构成和立法规定实有必要。 本文分为引言、正文、结语三个部分。 正文部分包括以下四章: 第一章是破产抵销权的概论。破产抵销权起始于抵销权,与清偿、混同、提存等都是债消灭的方式。我国合同法第99条、第100条规定了抵销权,对破产法的规定主要见于破产法第40条以及最高法院的几个司法解释里。有些国家不承认破产抵销权,认为其不符合公平原则,不符合物权优于债权的民法原理,会增加经营风险和引起道德危机。更多的国家承认破产抵销权,认为其不仅符合公平原则,而且还能担保债权,拓展信用交易,并能实现经济效益的功能。我国承认破产抵销权。根据不同的标准,破产抵销可以是法定抵销权、形成权和优先权。 第二章讨论了破产抵销权和民法抵销权的联系和区别。虽然破产抵销权在适用范围、行使条件等方面跟民法抵销权不同,但不是一项独立的权利,其仅是民法抵销制度在破产程序中的运用,所谓的特殊性是从保护债权人的角度出发,对民事抵销权在内容和形式方面的修补,理应从属于民法抵销权。两者的价值理念、适用范围、权利内容和构成要件也都大体相同。两者的区别主要体现在两者的权利主体不同、意思自治程度不同、可抵销债务的范围不同。民法抵销权可以由债权债务关系的双方当事人行使,而破产抵销权仅可由破产债权人行使。民法抵销权的意思自治程度大于破产抵销权。民法抵销权中的法定抵销权仅适用于均已届清偿期,品质种类相同,不附期限或条件的债权,破产抵销权则可适用于未届清偿期,品质种类不相同,附有期限和附有条件的债权。 第三章讨论了破产抵销权的行使。其主体只能是破产债权人,其行使时间应该是从破产债权得到确认之后到管理人提交破产财产分配方案之前。 针对一些特殊债权,抵销权有不同的适用情况。主债权人未申报债权时,有关主体能申报并抵销将来请求权的债权。经过时效的主动债权不能行使抵销权,但未经过时效的主动债权能抵销经过时效的受动债权。有担保的债权既能行使别除权,若符合抵销权行使的要件,也能行使抵销权。破产抵销权也有一些行使限制,其不能抵销恶意转让的债权、不能抵销债权人的恶意负债,不能抵销破产人的债务人恶意取得的债权。 依照我国破产法的规定,行使抵销权必须要经过破产程序,向管理人主张。结合破产程序对一般债权的规定和抵销权的特性,一般认为行使抵销权应该经过申报债权,管理人和债权人会议确认,破产宣告后直接抵销三个步骤。抵销权行使的效力是双方得债权债务在对等的数额消灭,若主动债权未获完全清偿,则继续参与比例清偿,若受动债权未获完全清偿,则主动债权人应清偿债务。 第四章考察了破产抵销权在破产法整个体系内的与其他制度的统一性。其与否认权制度的关系体现在正当的抵销行为不可撤销,不当的否认行为产生的债权不可抵销,不当的抵销行为可以撤销。管理人渎职而为的不当抵销行为,无法通过撤销权来救济,但该债权因不满足合法有效的要件而不属于破产债权。能够抵销的债权债务不包括这种双方都未履行完毕的合同,假若包括则会架空了管理人的选择履行合同的权利。 本文建议,破产法应明确抵销权的适用范围包括附期限附条件债权、不同品质不同种类的债权,并应明确抵销条件、流程和方法。在适用范围、限制规定等方面应借鉴国外的立法和实践经验加以完善提高。
[Abstract]:The bankruptcy set - off right is the extension of the creditor and the debtor in the bankruptcy field , which means that the creditor and the debtor have many functions in the bankruptcy filed , whether the creditor and the debtor have the same quality as the creditor and the debtor in the bankruptcy case . However , the bankruptcy set - off right can reduce the bankruptcy cost , accelerate the bankruptcy process , have many functions such as economic convenience , guarantee creditor ' s rights and extend credit transaction . This paper is divided into three parts : introduction , text and conclusion . The body part includes the following four chapters : Chapter One is an overview of the right to set off the right to cancel the bankruptcy . The right to set - off starts with the right to set - off , and it is the way to eliminate the debt . In the article 99 of the contract law , Article 100 sets off the right to set - off , which is mainly found in article 40 of bankruptcy law and several judicial interpretations of the Supreme Court . Some countries do not recognize the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off the right to set off . Chapter 2 discusses the relation and difference between the right of cancellation of bankruptcy and the right to set off civil law . Although the right to set - off is different from the right to set off in the civil law , it is not an independent right , which is only the application of the civil law offset system in bankruptcy procedure . Chapter Three discusses the exercise of the right of bankruptcy set - off . The subject can only be the bankrupt creditor , and the exercise time should be before the manager submits the bankruptcy property distribution plan after the bankruptcy creditor ' s right is confirmed . For some special creditor ' s rights , the set - off right has different application . When the creditor fails to declare the creditor ' s right , the principal creditor can declare and offset the creditor ' s right in the future . In accordance with the provisions of China ' s bankruptcy law , the exercise of the right to set - off must go through the bankruptcy procedure to the manager . In combination with the nature of the bankruptcy procedure on the general creditor ' s rights and the right to set - off , it is generally considered that the exercise of the right to set - off should be confirmed by the declaration creditor ' s right , the manager and the creditor ' s meeting , and the three steps are offset directly after the bankruptcy declaration . Chapter IV examines the unity of the right of bankruptcy set - off on the whole system of bankruptcy law and other systems . The relationship between the right of denial and the right of denial can be abolished . The improper set - off behavior can be abolished . The improper set - off behavior of the manager cannot be remedied through the right of withdrawal . The creditor ' s right debt which can be set off does not include the contract which the parties fail to fulfill , if it includes the right to choose to perform the contract . In this paper , it is suggested that the bankruptcy law should make clear the scope of the right to set off the creditor ' s rights of different kinds of creditor ' s rights and different quality , and make clear the conditions , flow and method of offset .
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