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发布时间:2018-02-05 17:17

  本文关键词: 破产管理人 待履行合同 选择权 出处:《华中师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:待履行合同制度是破产法制度的重要组成部分,待履行合同问题能否顺利解决关系着破产债权人等利益主体的利益能否得到有效保障以及破产债务人能否顺利退出市场或获得重生。而待履行合同问题的解决则要依靠破产管理人待履行合同选择权的行使。只有破产管理人依法、合理地行使了选择权,才能有效保证破产财产价值的最大化,平衡破产程序中各利益主体的利益,提高市场主体退出市场的效率,并最终实现社会的稳定。本文以破产管理人为视角,以其待履行合同选择权为中心,综合运用了定性分析法、文献研究法、案例分析法、比较研究法等研究方法,对破产管理人待履行合同选择权的法律依据、行使方式及法律效果进行了探讨,以期能对完善我国破产立法作出一点贡献。 本文由引言、正文、结语三部分组成。 引言部分,笔者以一个案例引出待履行合同的问题,描述了我国目前的立法现状和理论现状,并就本文的研究重点作了简单的介绍。 正文部分是本文的重点,由五个章节构成: 第一章主要是对待履行合同的界定,分别研究了美国和我国对待履行合同的判断标准,从而对待履行合同进行了定性。在此基础上对待履行合同不同于一般合同的特殊性进行了研究,指出待履行合同既要受合同法的规制,又必须符合破产法的总体价值目标。 第二章主要论述了破产管理人行使待履行合同选择权的法理基础。这一章主要解决了两个问题。首先,为什么由破产管理人行使这一选择权?笔者通过对关于破产管理人法律地位的几种学说进行比较分析,得出破产管理人是破产财产受托人的结论,其中立性、专业性和独立性使得其作为选择权的行使主体最为合适。其次,破产法是基于什么理论基础而牺牲了守约方的利益,强制将合同选择权赋予破产管理人?笔者通过对法定解除体系的分析得出待履行合同选择权是我国法定解除权体系的一个特殊存在,二者拥有很大的相似之处。 第三章中笔者提出由法院对破产管理人待履行合同选择权进行审查从而保证破产管理人能够依法行使职权,并通过分析得出商业判断标准仍然是目前法院审查破产管理人待履行合同选择权最合适的标准。 第四章主要研究了破产管理人选择继续履行待履行合同的情形,包括继续履行的条件以及由此产生的法律效果;另外,笔者还对继续履行并转让这一特殊处理办法作了探讨,包括这一特殊处理办法的必要性、条件以及法律效果。 第五章主要探讨了破产管理人解除待履行合同这一情形,包括解除权的行使主体、对破产管理人解除待履行合同的限制、解除的法律效果以及解除后相对人破产债权的确定等。 结语部分再次申明待履行合同选择权这一破产管理人法定职权的重要性,并就本文的创新及不足之处作出说明,希望能够以自己的微薄之力为我国待履行合同制度研究贡献一点力量。
[Abstract]:It is an important part of the bankruptcy law system to be fulfilled . Whether the contract question is to be fulfilled can effectively guarantee whether the interests of the interests subject such as the bankrupt creditor can be effectively guaranteed and whether the bankrupt debtor can smoothly withdraw from the market or obtain the heavy birth . The bankruptcy administrator can effectively ensure the maximization of the value of the bankrupt property , balance the interests of the interests of the interests of the bankrupt procedure , improve the efficiency of the market main body from exiting the market , and finally realize the social stability . This paper consists of three parts : introduction , text and conclusion . In the introduction part , the author brings out the problem of the contract to be performed in one case , describes the present legislation present situation and the theory present situation in our country , and makes a brief introduction to the research focus of this article . The main body part is the focus of this paper , which consists of five chapters : The first chapter mainly deals with the definition of the performance of the contract , studies the standard of the American and our country ' s treatment of the contract , and makes a qualitative analysis on the performance of the contract . On the basis of this , the paper studies the particularity of the contract which is different from the general contract , and points out that the contract to be performed is not only regulated by the contract law , but also accords with the general value objective of the bankruptcy law . The second chapter mainly discusses the legal foundation of the bankruptcy administrator to exercise the right of choice of the contract to be performed . This chapter mainly solves two problems . First , why is the bankruptcy administrator to exercise this option ? The author concludes that the bankruptcy administrator is the trustee of the bankruptcy property by comparing several theories about the legal status of the insolvency representative . In the third chapter , the author puts forward that the bankruptcy administrator can exercise his / her functions and powers according to law by the court to ensure that the insolvency representative can exercise his / her functions and powers according to law , and that the commercial judgment standard is still the most appropriate criterion for the court to review the right to choose the contract to be performed by the insolvency representative . The fourth chapter mainly studies the choice of the insolvency representative to continue the performance of the contract to be performed , including the conditions for continued performance and the legal effect resulting therefrom , and also discusses the necessity , the conditions and the legal effect of this particular approach to the continued performance and transfer of this special treatment . In the fifth chapter , the author mainly discusses the situation of the termination of the contract by the insolvency representative , including the exercise of the right to rescind the contract , the restriction on the termination of the contract by the insolvency representative , the legal effect of the dissolution and the determination of the relative person ' s bankruptcy claims after the dissolution . The concluding part once again affirms the importance of the legal authority of the insolvency representative to perform the contract option , and makes a statement on the innovations and deficiencies of this article . It is hoped that it will contribute a little force for the study of the contract system to be performed in our country with its own meagre resources .



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7 李志伟;论破产法上的待履行合同[D];中国政法大学;2009年




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