本文选题:债权债务关系 + 合同债权人代位权 ; 参考:《法学》2011年07期
[Abstract]:China's contract Law does not clearly define the validity of the creditor's subrogation of the debtor's creditor's rights. The interpretation of the Supreme people's Court on the application of the contract Law of the people's Republic of China (1) > stipulates that the creditor's subrogation is a creditor's debt. There is nothing wrong with legal transfers. Accordingly, the effect of the corresponding fictitious debt relief occurs, that is, the effect of extinguishing the creditor's debt relationship between the creditor and the debtor, and between the debtor and the secondary debtor. As long as the secondary debtor fails to actually discharge its obligations to the creditor or if the performance of the repayment obligation is insufficient, the creditor and the debtor shall, although the relationship between the creditor's rights and the debtor's obligations is extinguished, the debtor's duty of discharge shall not be extinguished, The debtor shall bear the obligation to guarantee the discharge of the assignment of the creditor's rights. With regard to the resultant subrogation creditor's de facto priority effect over other creditors of the debtor, the secondary debtor shall be established to pay off the debtor's property to the creditor and be unable to pay off the debts due to the other creditors, Other creditors of the debtor have the right to apply to the court for rescission of the rule of satisfaction of the debtor to the creditor. In the relevant judicial interpretation, only the rule that "in the action of subrogation, the defense of the secondary debtor against the debtor can be claimed against the creditor" is not complete enough, and it must also be stipulated that "in the action of subrogation, If the defense of the secondary debtor against the debtor claims to the creditor that the subrogation of the creditor cannot be established, the debtor's creditor's right to the secondary debtor shall be extinguished within the corresponding scope or amount or have no enforceable effect. "
【作者单位】: 中南大学法学院;上海社会科学院法学研究所;
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