发布时间:2018-06-14 08:50
本文选题:员工关系 + 罢工 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:《劳动合同法》的颁布和实施,开启了劳动关系集体调整的新起点,并为劳动关系的集体调整提供了法律基础;伴随政府致力于消除日益扩大的贫富差距,立法规定要求劳资双方通过工资集体协商机制提高劳动者报酬。在这样时代背景下,我国集体劳动争议和工人的集体行动有了较大增幅,各地罢工风起云涌。 对于企业而言,如何在这种形势下,处理好员工关系,如何避免罢工,避免罢工对公司发展的破坏性影响,如何建设和谐的劳资关系,形成共赢的局面具有非常重要的意义。 国内对从企业人力资源角度研究罢工问题的研究不是很多,而笔者由于在该发生三连罢的企业做总经理五年,目睹并且处理了三连罢中的两起罢工,罢工后和许多当事人进行了访谈,沟通,经常就罢工事件和劳动部门负责人,工会交换意见,因而所作的研究是非常直接的,对企业有很强的参考意义。 本文尝试以克拉克公司所遇到的三连罢事件来探讨解决企业罢工的问题。克拉克公司是一家德资企业,和许多发生罢工的企业不同,克拉克公司的工资,福利,社会责任等在所在地都是很不错的,但早在2008年《劳动合同法》颁布后的7月份克拉克公司就赶上了第一次罢工潮,创造了自己的第一次罢工的历史,2010年再次和本田一块成为该区发生罢工的外资工厂之一,到2012年,它成就了自己的第三次罢工,成为地区最多罢工的外资企业。 本文运用了劳动关系管理中的冲突与合作理论,沟通,劳动纪律管理,心理契约,工会和工资集体协商理论,人力资源管理中的薪酬体制,激励机制,绩效管理等理论来指导分析克拉克公司三连罢的原因;本文运用了问卷调查法,文献分析法,深度访谈法等分析方法来分析问题,得出克拉克公司三连罢的原因就在于:人力资源管理不到位,薪酬制度及结构缺乏激励,绩效考核几乎没有,,劳动纪律管理差,沟通上缺乏工会组织作为桥梁,罢工处理不恰当,反向激励,促使员工通过集体罢工解决争端,管理问题导致长期劳资关系存在不和谐的因素等。本文在此基础上提出了解决方案:推行有规必依的劳动纪律管理,实行具有激励的绩效考核工资,建立工会创建和谐劳资关系,使用工资集体协商解决工资谈判问题,减小公司规模规避风险,善待员工,创建和谐劳资关系等。
[Abstract]:The promulgation and implementation of the Labor contract Law opened a new starting point for collective adjustment of labor relations and provided a legal basis for collective adjustment of labor relations, which was accompanied by the government's efforts to eliminate the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Legislation requires both employers and employees to increase their remuneration through collective wage negotiation. Under this background, the collective labor dispute and the collective action of workers have increased greatly in our country. For enterprises, how to deal with employee relations, how to avoid strike, how to avoid the destructive impact of strike on the development of the company, how to build harmonious labor relations, and how to form a win-win situation have very important significance. Domestic research on the issue of strike from the angle of enterprise human resources is not much, and the author, because he was the general manager of the enterprise in which the strike occurred for five years, witnessed and handled two strikes in the third strike. After the strike, many parties were interviewed, communicated, and often exchanged views on the strike incident and the head of labor department, trade union, so the research is very direct and has very strong reference significance to the enterprise. This paper attempts to discuss how to solve the problem of strike by Clark Company. Clark is a German company, and unlike many of the companies that have gone on strike, Clark's wages, benefits, social responsibility, etc., are pretty good in their location. But as early as July, after the promulgation of the Labor contract Law in 2008, the Clark Company caught up with the first strike wave, creating its own history of the first strike. In 2010, together with Honda, it became once again one of the foreign factories in the region that went on strike. By 2012, it had made its third strike, becoming the region's largest strike by foreign companies. This paper applies the theory of conflict and cooperation in labor relations management, communication, labor discipline management, psychological contract, labor union and wage collective negotiation theory, compensation system in human resources management, incentive mechanism, The theory of performance management is used to guide the analysis of the reasons for Clark's three consecutive strikes. This paper uses questionnaire survey, literature analysis, in-depth interview and other analytical methods to analyze the problem. The reasons for Clark's third strike are that human resource management is not in place, compensation system and structure lack of incentives, performance appraisal is almost no, labor discipline is poor, and trade union organization is lack of communication as a bridge. The improper handling of strike, the reverse incentive, the employees to solve the dispute through collective strike, the management problems lead to the long-term labor relations exist disharmonious factors and so on. On this basis, this paper puts forward the solution: to carry out the management of labor discipline according to the rules, to carry out the performance appraisal wage with incentive, to establish the trade union to establish harmonious labor relations, to solve the wage negotiation problem through collective wage negotiation. Reduce the size of the company to avoid risk, treat employees, create harmonious labor relations.
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