本文选题:预约合同 + 合同的生活史理论 ; 参考:《四川大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 预约合同,是合同学理分类体系中较为特殊的一类合同,至今在我国法学研究领域仍言之不详。我国法学理论界和实践界对其的研究均显苍白,至少我国法律并未明文规定和认可预约合同的存在。而其他国家和地区的法律虽然有一些对其进行了规定和立法,但仍然不够详细和完备。随着社会经济的飞速发展,“预约”这一本不被世人熟知的概念已不可避免的渗入到日常的经济活动中。但在司法实践中,因限于对预约合同的法律概念层面认识不足,也自然造成对其法律规制层面调整不力。 预约合同,仍属于法律尊重的当事人意思自治领域.承认预约合同,并将其纳入合同法调整的范围,不仅能更好的保护当事人在成立合同的各个阶段的利益,也有利于建立更加稳定有序的交易秩序。法律有义务围绕诚信公平原则和先契约责任规则的中心,为人们构筑一个可以用于自由、公平谈判的法律框架。 本文共四章。序言简要的介绍了预约合同的含义,在国外的产生及发展情况,当今国内外的研究现状以及将预约合同的立法意义。 第一章阐述了预约的一些基本理论,作为后文论述的基础。本章主要论述的问题有四:一是纵观国内外学者对预约合同概念下的定义以及笔者对预约合同概念的理解;二是对预约合同的法律特征和性质进行了分析,概括出其法律特征;三是分析了法国学者和美国学者对预约合同的分类,并在此基础上提出作者自己的分类;四是阐述了世界各国对预约合同的两种立法例,通过比较选出值得借鉴的立法例的类型。 第二章分析了预约合同的理论基石。认为预约合同的理论基石首先是民法的帝王条款:诚实信用原则,此原则也是合同法的基本原则,适用于所有的合同;其次是私法自治原则,此原则也是民法的基本原则之一,适用于合同、婚姻等等法律,因此也将其作为预约合同的理论基石;最后是合同的生活史理论,此理论认为大宗合同的签订有一个过程,而预约合同就存在于这个签订的过程之中。 第三章从四个方面对预约合同进行分析和阐述。一是预约合同成立的标准有:预约合同主体适格;内容确定、概念明确;预约合同标的物的行为具有义务性;有效的意思表示且当事人有受协议约束的意思以及预约合同必须具备书面形式。二是从预约合同与本约的联系和区别入手,分析了预约合同和本约的不同之处以及区分方法。三是列举并分析了实务中的预约合同,如:农作物、家禽的收购协议;商品房预售认购书;保险业中的预约合同;订婚;网络预定和电话预约以及毕业生就业协议书等。四是辨别了预约合同与草签协议、不完备的合同以及附停止条件的合同之间的区别。 第四章讨论了有关违反预约合同的法律责任问题。一方面分析了预约合同当事人双方的义务;其次比较了违反预约合同的责任和缔约过失责任的不同;最后总结了预约合同的责任形式应该是强制履行和损害赔偿。 通过上述四章的内容对预约合同进行的论述,在结论部分,笔者阐明了对预约合同进行立法的重要性。笔者撰写本文的目的在于尝试着对预约合同制度进行系统的论述,希望对预约合同的立法有所裨益,但由于本人才疏学浅,,很多观点没能充分论证,只期能抛砖引玉,望批评指正。
[Abstract]:The contract is a special kind of contract in the classification system of contract , so far it is not known in the field of law research in China . At least in our country , the law doesn ' t explicitly stipulate and approve the existence of the reservation contract . At least , the law of other countries and regions does not penetrate into the daily economic activity . But in the practice of judicial practice , it is not limited to the lack of understanding of the legal concept level of the reservation contract , but also the adjustment of its legal regulation .
The contract of appointment still belongs to the realm of party autonomy in respect of law . It is an obligation to establish a legal framework that can be used for free and fair negotiations .
In this paper , four chapters are introduced . The preface briefly introduces the meaning of the reservation contract , the production and development of the reservation abroad , the current research situation at home and abroad , and the legislative significance of the reservation contract .
The first chapter expounds some basic theories of reservation , which is the basis of the following discussion . The main problems in this chapter are four : one is the definition of the concept of reservation contract and the author ' s understanding of the concept of reservation contract ;
Secondly , the legal characteristics and properties of the reservation contract are analyzed , and its legal characteristics are summarized .
The third is to analyze the classification of the reservation contract by French scholar and American scholar , and put forward the author ' s own classification on this basis ;
The fourth is to elaborate two legislative examples of the reservation contract by the countries of the world , and compare the types of legislative cases worthy of reference .
The second chapter analyzes the theoretical foundation of the reservation contract . It is believed that the theoretical cornerstone of the reservation contract is the imperial clause of the civil law : the principle of good faith , the principle is also the basic principle of the contract law , which is applicable to all contracts ;
Secondly , the principle of autonomy of private law is one of the basic principles of civil law , which is applicable to law such as contract , marriage and so on , so it also serves as the theoretical cornerstone of booking contract .
Finally , it is the theory of life history of the contract , which holds that the conclusion of the contract is a process , and the appointment contract exists in the process of this contract .
The third chapter analyzes and explains the reservation contract from four aspects . One is the standard for the establishment of the reservation contract : the main body of the reservation contract ;
the content is determined and the concept is clear ;
The behavior of the contract subject matter is compulsory ;
The second is to enumerate and analyze the appointment contract in practice , such as the purchase agreement of crops and poultry ;
Pre - sale subscription of commercial house ;
an appointment contract in the insurance industry ;
engagement ;
Network reservation and telephone booking and employment agreement for graduates . Four are the differences between the contract of appointment and the contract of initialling , the incomplete contract and the contract to stop conditions .
The fourth chapter discusses the legal liability of breach of reservation contract . On the one hand , it analyzes the obligation of both parties to make reservation contract .
Secondly , it compares the responsibility of breach of reservation contract and the different liability of contract fault ;
Finally , the author concludes that the form of liability for appointment contract should be compulsory performance and damages .
Through the discussion of the above four chapters on reservation contract , in conclusion part , the author clarifies the importance of making the reservation contract . The purpose of this paper is to try to make a systematic exposition of the reservation contract system . It is hoped that the legislation of the reservation contract will be beneficial . However , because I am shallow , many points of view fail to fully demonstrate , only the stage can throw bricks and attract jade , and hope to criticize .
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