[Abstract]:Contract law is not only the law of transaction, but also the law of autonomy. It not only plays a link function in single transaction, but also plays an important role in the relationship and cooperative activities. It is widely used in production, circulation and even other economic fields. In this sense, contract law has the function of organizing complex economic activities as well as legal persons or unincorporated organizations (and the legal rules behind it). On the one hand, the contract law promotes the realization of the common interests of all parties in response to the social and economic needs, such as regulating and adjusting the organizational contracts, common behaviors, etc. On the other hand, the contract law itself has also undergone major changes due to the promotion of these social and economic needs. It is embodied in the emphasis of cooperation obligation, the protection of trust, the special rules of continuing contract, the development of M & A transaction contract and financial contract, etc. The future contract law should respond to these changes, fully understand the particularity of long-term contract, service contract and other contract types, and rearrange the contract rules design and contract interpretation.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;
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