发布时间:2018-07-21 16:22
【摘要】:肇始于罗马法的不当得利制度历经数千年的风雨变迁,生命力不但没有在历史长河的荡涤中削弱,反而变得越发旺盛,大有枯木逢春犹再发之势,普通法系中的返还法就是最好的证明。法律功能的研究,可以有效消解规范制定的复杂性,实现某种程度的确定性。缘此,在欧洲私法协调的今天,不当得利制度功能的研究,可谓恰逢其时、不可回避。不当得利制度功能的研究,在实质意义层面体现了该制度的独特价值,进而决定了该制度的基本布局结构,在认知层面,影响甚至决定着人们对该制度的主观认识与评价。基于上述几点,本文以当前欧洲立法进程为写作背景,拟分四个部分对不当得利制度功能加以展开。 除引言外,本文共计3.6万字。 第一部分对当前欧洲不当得利制度立法进程做一简单说明。首先,介绍英国不当得利立法概况。作为普通法系代表的英国法传统上并没有明确的不当得利立法,其不当得利立法也是最近几十年的事,作为新生的制度,在发展过程中存在诸多争议。基于相同的立法精神及指导原理,对英国不当得利立法与传统欧陆不当得利立法做一比较,发现不同,这无疑对不当得利制度的欧洲化意义重大。当前,学界对不当得利制度欧洲层面上的立法出现了许多争议,激进地主张取消之的观点也不绝于耳,文章在本部分举出代表性观点为下文探讨做铺垫。最后,与英国犹如雨后春笋般不断发展的不当得利制度相比,欧陆学者一直在对传统不当得利制度进行反思,尝试真正认清不当得利的本质,把握规律更好地实现其良好发展,抽象原则与类型化划分的“双轨制”路线图似乎成为了学界的基本共识。 第二部分检讨不当得利制度辅助功能的传统观点。辅助功能论历史悠久、源远流长,可追溯至19世纪末期法国最高法院之判例。该判例一经形成便遭到了国内外学者的批评。但是,如果法律制度的发展忽略社会真实,单凭学者完全的抽象的理论推演也是非理性的。仔细考察法国最高法院判例之立法背景及立法初衷,便会发现其中的一些端倪,辅助功能论在现实实务地区为多国司法所适用,因此辅助功能并非如学者所言一无是处,它与本国固有法律传统、私法体系息息相关。根据两大法系判例考察,辅助功能直至今日仍未退出历史的舞台。最后,笔者对不当得利制度之辅助功能做一检讨,结合判例发现,辅助功能重点适用于一些机关案件中。同时,对辅助功能论可能存在的诸多消极影响作出评价。 第三部分就不当得利制度之独立功能展开论述。在上面部分对辅助功能检讨基础之上,提出不当得利制度有其自身的独立功能。首先本文考察了不当得利制度独立功能的法哲学基础,亚里士多德的正义划分理论为不当得利制度独立功能提供了理论支撑。进而在理论支撑及立法现实背景之下,提出不当得利制度的独立性从而对否定不当得利制度独立性的观点给予反驳,从而对本文第一部分部分学者所持否定不当得利制度的观点给予回应,对批评的再批评,为不当得利制度在欧洲化层面的协调迈出关键一步。更进一步地,对不当得利与合同法、侵权法功能进行比较发现,合同法、侵权法都具有惩罚功能而不当得利则无。 第四部分借鉴社会学部分研究成果,对不当得利功能进行系统论述。首先说明,普通法系通过最近几十年的发展,不当得利已为立法确认为债法的支柱之一。可以说,立法的确认更进一步巩固了不当得利的独立地位。接下来就是,对不当得利制度功能的传统观点进行反思。无论是将其提升为“克服成文法局限性”抑或贬为“民法的垃圾箱”,这都是有失公允的,笔者认为不当得利功能一方面在于矫正不当利益的返还,一方面在疑难案件中实现资源的分配,其既无力承担“克服成文法局限性”,更绝非“垃圾箱”。笔者在此重点说明了不当得利无力承担“克服成文法局限性”的原因。理论的研究最终反映到实践,不当得利制度功能的研究最终旨在为私法欧洲化的目标服务,,最后笔者提出不当得利的分配功能、整合功能和社会适应功能。 结语部分,笔者对于不当得利与合同法、侵权法的边界问题,提出了自己的看法,不当得利与合同法、侵权法确实存在诸多“灰色地带”,仅此就否认不当得利存在合理性的观点也是有失偏颇得。某一个特定问题存在多种解决之道是正常的、合理的,法律并非仅提供一个正确与单一的解决途径,相反的,是存在着许多正确的,亦即“适当的”,可以相互选择采用解决的途径。
[Abstract]:On the basis of the research of legal function , the research on the function of unjust system can effectively resolve the complexity of the system and realize certain degree of certainty .
In addition to the introduction , there are a total of 3.6 million words .
The first part makes a brief explanation of the current European non - profit system legislative process . Firstly , it introduces the general situation of the British unjust legislation . As the representative of the common law , the British law has no clear unjust legislation , and it has many disputes in the development process . In the end , the academic circle has been trying to make a better understanding of the traditional non - profit system . At last , it seems that the road map of " double - track system " , which is divided by the principles of abstract principle and type , seems to be the basic understanding of the academic circle .
The second part reviews the traditional view of the auxiliary function of the unjust system . The auxiliary function theory has a long history and long history . It can be traced back to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of France in the late 19th century . However , if the development of the legal system ignores the social reality , it is not rational .
In the third part , the independent function of the unjust system is discussed . On the basis of the above part , the independent function of the unjust system is put forward . Firstly , the author points out that the independent function of the unjust system is supported by the theory of the theory and the realistic background of legislation .
The fourth part uses the research results of sociology to systematically discuss the non - profit function . First of all , it shows that the common law is one of the pillars of the debt law through the recent decades of development .
The author points out that there are many " grey zones " on the boundary between unjust enrichment and contract law and tort law . There are many " grey zones " in the law of torts .
[Abstract]:On the basis of the research of legal function , the research on the function of unjust system can effectively resolve the complexity of the system and realize certain degree of certainty .
In addition to the introduction , there are a total of 3.6 million words .
The first part makes a brief explanation of the current European non - profit system legislative process . Firstly , it introduces the general situation of the British unjust legislation . As the representative of the common law , the British law has no clear unjust legislation , and it has many disputes in the development process . In the end , the academic circle has been trying to make a better understanding of the traditional non - profit system . At last , it seems that the road map of " double - track system " , which is divided by the principles of abstract principle and type , seems to be the basic understanding of the academic circle .
The second part reviews the traditional view of the auxiliary function of the unjust system . The auxiliary function theory has a long history and long history . It can be traced back to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of France in the late 19th century . However , if the development of the legal system ignores the social reality , it is not rational .
In the third part , the independent function of the unjust system is discussed . On the basis of the above part , the independent function of the unjust system is put forward . Firstly , the author points out that the independent function of the unjust system is supported by the theory of the theory and the realistic background of legislation .
The fourth part uses the research results of sociology to systematically discuss the non - profit function . First of all , it shows that the common law is one of the pillars of the debt law through the recent decades of development .
The author points out that there are many " grey zones " on the boundary between unjust enrichment and contract law and tort law . There are many " grey zones " in the law of torts .
相关博士学位论文 前2条
1 霍政欣;不当得利的国际私法问题[D];武汉大学;2005年
2 韩冰;近代中国民法原则研究[D];中国政法大学;2007年