[Abstract]:Nameless contract is a kind of contract which is not clearly stipulated by law, and is also called atypical contract, corresponding to famous contract. As to the application of law, the law of nameless contract is different from that of famous contract, which can only be dealt with by applying the general provisions of contract Law of our country. In this way, with the development of nameless contract and the emergence of new contract, there will be more and more difficulties and disputes in the application of nameless contract law. The general rule of contract law puts forward higher request to judge's discretion, which brings challenge to the law application of nameless contract. This paper focuses on the definition and classification of nameless contracts by introducing the disputes and difficulties in the application of the law of nameless contracts through cases, and focusing on the definition and classification of nameless contracts. This paper analyzes and studies the different classification and legal application of unnamed contracts. The purpose of this paper is to promote the maneuverability of the legal application of nameless contracts, to solve the difficulties in the application of the law at present, to promote the rational resolution of disputes concerning nameless contracts, and to realize the unification of the legal effects and social effects of judicial activities. The theme of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part, through the introduction of the typical anonymous contract case, analyzes the complexity and the problems in the application of the current nameless contract in our country. In the second part, starting from the basic theory of nameless contract, the connotation of nameless contract is first investigated and defined, and the theoretical analysis of nameless contract is made. At the same time, it is proposed that nameless contract should be divided into pure nameless contract. The mixed contract and quasi-mixed contract are reclassified, and it is considered that the joint contract does not belong to the category of nameless contract. The third part, aiming at the basic theory and classification of nameless contract and so on, The author thinks that the application of law to nameless contract should follow the uniform rules, and analyzes the legal application of specific type of nameless contract with examples of different types of contract. In the fourth part, the author makes a brief analysis of the issue of the judge's discretion, and thinks that although the judge's discretion plays an important role in the interpretation of the nameless contract and the application of the law, However, reasonable restrictions should also be imposed through the establishment of a precedent system. At the end of the article, the conclusion is given, and the deficiency of the research is analyzed.
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