[Abstract]:The traditional contract law emphasizes that the contract should be determined concretely. Only if the contract between the parties has the necessary clauses, the contract can be established effectively. Furthermore, this clause contains price clauses, and if not, the contract is not tenable. The appearance of the pricing clause is a major breakthrough in this provision. Pricing clause first appeared in the field of international trade, and gradually developed, now, some major countries of domestic law have more or less made the relevant provisions of this content. This paper begins with the definition of the price to be determined clause, and then discusses it step by step, analyzes the types and value significance of the price pending clause, and briefly introduces the representative legislative examples of the price to be determined in several countries. By comparing the relevant legislations of some countries, this paper makes a detailed discussion on the specific performance of the price-pending clause. From this, we can see many shortcomings of our country's legislation, and suggest that we should further absorb the reasonableness of foreign legislation and revise and perfect the relevant legislation of our country.
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