[Abstract]:The subject matter risk transfer system is a very important issue in contract law, which is directly related to the vital interests of both parties to the contract. However, different countries and international conventions have different legislative ideas on the system, and the legal provisions of the system are even more different. Even in our country, the risk transfer system of sale contract is still controversial. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to elaborate the subject matter risk transfer system in the contract of sale and purchase. In this paper, on the basis of expounding the basic concept of risk transfer system of sale and purchase contract, the author compares three different risk transfer theories: contract formation, ownership and delivery. This paper analyzes several kinds of risk transfer systems which are mainly applicable in contemporary times, and expounds the relative rationality of the doctrine of delivery. On the basis of defining the rationality of deliverance, the author refers to the relevant provisions of various countries' legislation and international conventions, and combines the legal provisions of the contract Law of China. This paper analyzes the system of risk transfer and the rules of risk burden in some special cases. Finally, based on the above analysis and the current legislative situation of contract Law in China, the author puts forward some personal suggestions to improve the risk transfer system of the subject matter of sale and purchase contract in China, in order to promote the theory and practice of this problem.
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