发布时间:2018-08-25 18:01
【摘要】:现代物流运输整合了仓储、配送、运输等环节,便捷了我们的生活,然而,由于物流运输环节中的不可预见性,物流货物损害赔偿纠纷普遍而频繁,尤其是未保价物品发生毁损、灭失导致的赔偿纠纷最为突出。在物流服务合同普遍存在“保价限额赔偿条款”的情况下,如何适用可预见性规则确定货物损害赔偿的范围?虽然我国《合同法》113条规定了可预见性规则,但是,在该规则确立之后,立法的宽泛概括性和理论研究的散落,一直无法为物流货物损害赔偿的审判实践提供一套行之有效的操作标准,因此,对可预见性规则理论进行研究,特别是分析可预见性规则在确定物流货物损害赔偿中的具体适用是十分必要的。本文结合真实案例与司法实践判决,分析保价条款的效力对可预见性规则的影响,对可预见性规则在物流货物损害赔偿中的适用范围、计算标准等方面进行探讨并提出自己的观点,,希望能为裁判路径提供参考。 本文主要分四个部分: 第一部分,主要是通过三个典型的物流货物损害赔偿案例的介绍,引出物流货物损害赔偿适用中的可预见性问题。 第二部分,对可预见性规则的制度价值、法律要素等进行理论上的深度探析,分析可预见性规则适用于物流货物损害赔偿的理由。 第三部分,分析物流货物损害赔偿中影响“可预见性”的因素,特别针对物流货物损害赔偿中普遍存在的保价条款,从保价条款的效力、规制,保价条款与可预见性规则适用的关系,论述保价条款效力对可预见性规则适用的影响。 第四部分,具体分析物流货物损害赔偿中,在保价条款效有效和无效的情况下,如何依据可预见性规则确定损失赔偿范围,并就适用可预见性规则的计算方法与计算标准进行探讨,最后对可预见性规则在物流损害赔偿适用中的特殊情形,如向第三方支付的违约金、赔偿金、生产利润损失、精神损害赔偿是否属于可预见的范围予以分析。
[Abstract]:Modern logistics transportation integrates warehousing, distribution, transportation and other links to facilitate our life. However, due to the unpredictable nature of logistics transportation, disputes over damages for logistics goods are widespread and frequent. In particular, the uninsured goods are damaged, and the compensation dispute caused by the loss is the most prominent. How to apply the predictability rule to determine the scope of damages for goods in the case of the "guaranteed price limit compensation clause" in the logistics service contract? Although Article 113 of contract Law of our country stipulates the rule of predictability, after the establishment of this rule, the broad generality of legislation and the scattered of theoretical research. It has been unable to provide a set of effective operating standards for the trial practice of logistics goods damage compensation. Therefore, the theory of predictability rules is studied. Especially, it is necessary to analyze the application of predictability rules in the determination of logistics goods damage compensation. Combined with real cases and judicial practice, this paper analyzes the influence of the validity of the insured clause on the rules of predictability, and the scope of application of the rules of predictability in the damage compensation for logistics goods. This paper discusses the calculation standard and puts forward its own viewpoint, hoping to provide reference for the referee's path. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part, mainly through the introduction of three typical cases of logistics goods damage compensation, leads to the problem of predictability in the application of logistics goods damage compensation. In the second part, the system value and legal elements of predictability rules are analyzed in theory, and the reasons why predictability rules can be applied to logistics goods damage compensation are analyzed. The third part, analyzes the factors that influence the predictability in the logistics goods damage compensation, especially aiming at the prevailing price insurance clauses in the logistics goods damage compensation, from the effect and regulation of the price insurance clauses. This paper discusses the relationship between the price clause and the application of the predictability rule, and discusses the effect of the price clause on the application of the predictability rule. The fourth part analyzes how to determine the scope of loss compensation according to the rules of predictability in the case of the effectiveness and invalidity of the insurance clause in the logistics goods damage compensation. Finally, the special circumstances of the application of predictability rules in logistics damages, such as liquidated damages paid to third parties, compensation for damages, loss of production profits, are discussed. Whether the compensation for mental damage belongs to the foreseeable scope is analyzed.
[Abstract]:Modern logistics transportation integrates warehousing, distribution, transportation and other links to facilitate our life. However, due to the unpredictable nature of logistics transportation, disputes over damages for logistics goods are widespread and frequent. In particular, the uninsured goods are damaged, and the compensation dispute caused by the loss is the most prominent. How to apply the predictability rule to determine the scope of damages for goods in the case of the "guaranteed price limit compensation clause" in the logistics service contract? Although Article 113 of contract Law of our country stipulates the rule of predictability, after the establishment of this rule, the broad generality of legislation and the scattered of theoretical research. It has been unable to provide a set of effective operating standards for the trial practice of logistics goods damage compensation. Therefore, the theory of predictability rules is studied. Especially, it is necessary to analyze the application of predictability rules in the determination of logistics goods damage compensation. Combined with real cases and judicial practice, this paper analyzes the influence of the validity of the insured clause on the rules of predictability, and the scope of application of the rules of predictability in the damage compensation for logistics goods. This paper discusses the calculation standard and puts forward its own viewpoint, hoping to provide reference for the referee's path. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part, mainly through the introduction of three typical cases of logistics goods damage compensation, leads to the problem of predictability in the application of logistics goods damage compensation. In the second part, the system value and legal elements of predictability rules are analyzed in theory, and the reasons why predictability rules can be applied to logistics goods damage compensation are analyzed. The third part, analyzes the factors that influence the predictability in the logistics goods damage compensation, especially aiming at the prevailing price insurance clauses in the logistics goods damage compensation, from the effect and regulation of the price insurance clauses. This paper discusses the relationship between the price clause and the application of the predictability rule, and discusses the effect of the price clause on the application of the predictability rule. The fourth part analyzes how to determine the scope of loss compensation according to the rules of predictability in the case of the effectiveness and invalidity of the insurance clause in the logistics goods damage compensation. Finally, the special circumstances of the application of predictability rules in logistics damages, such as liquidated damages paid to third parties, compensation for damages, loss of production profits, are discussed. Whether the compensation for mental damage belongs to the foreseeable scope is analyzed.
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