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发布时间:2018-08-29 18:17
【摘要】:韩礼德和哈桑的专著《英语的衔接》,奠定了衔接理论的基础。此后,该理论的提出受到语言学和翻译界的青睐。衔接理论主要分为语法衔接和词汇衔接两大类,其中的人称照应为语法衔接的重要范畴,是语篇衔接系统理论中不可或缺的部分,就翻译转换,特别是英汉法律语言间的互译而言,人称照应是最具实践和理论价值的语篇现象。法律文本中人称照应亦是无法回避的语言现象。在英汉法律语言对比翻译中人称照应的取舍,不仅直接决定译文的优劣,且影响“法律翻译”的法律效力。 本文选取《美国统一商法典》和《中华人民共和国合同法》两个规范性法律文本为主要语料,进行案例研究,探讨英汉法律文本中人称照应的使用特点及其异同。鉴言之,法律文本倾向使用第三人称代词和物主限定词,但英汉法律文本中人称照应的运用频度有时相去甚远;法律英语大量使用人称照应。反观法律汉语,随着立法语言逐步规范,人称照应的运用却有减少的趋势。其深层原因之一在于英汉两种语言的区别性特征,即形合与意合。英语侧重形合,高度形式化,其句法结构决定人称照应的大量使用,而汉语偏重意合,句子主要通过语义衔接而成,,较少使用人称照应,偏向采用名词重复达到衔接目的。 鉴于人称照应的对比研究对英汉法律语言互译有其他语言现象无法替代的作用,本文进而探讨人称照应的翻译策略,提出补偿、省略、直翻等翻译策略。本研究创榛辟莽,抛砖引玉,希望对法律翻译质量的进一步提高能有所裨益。
[Abstract]:Halliday and Hasan's monograph cohesion in English lays the foundation of cohesion theory. Since then, the theory has been popular in linguistics and translation circles. Cohesion theory is divided into two categories: grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. Personal anaphora is an important category of grammatical cohesion. In particular, personal anaphora is the most practical and theoretical phenomenon in the translation of legal languages between English and Chinese. In legal texts, anaphora is also an unavoidable linguistic phenomenon. In the contrastive translation of English and Chinese legal languages, the choice of reference not only directly determines the quality of the translation, but also affects the legal effect of legal translation. This paper selects the two normative legal texts of the United States Commercial Code and the contract Law of the people's Republic of China as the main corpus, and makes a case study to explore the characteristics and similarities and differences of the use of reference in English and Chinese legal texts. Legal texts tend to use third-person pronouns and subject-subject determinants, but the frequency of human reference is sometimes very different in English and Chinese legal texts, and legal English frequently uses personal anaphora. On the other hand, as the legislative language is gradually standardized, the use of personal anaphora is decreasing. One of the deep reasons lies in the distinguishing features of English and Chinese, that is, hypotaxis and parataxis. English focuses on hypotaxis and is highly formalized, and its syntactic structure determines the extensive use of personal anaphora, while in Chinese parataxis, sentences are mainly formed by semantic cohesion, with less use of personal anaphora and preference for repetition of nouns for cohesive purposes. In view of the irreplaceable role of the contrastive study of personal anaphora in the translation of legal languages between English and Chinese, this paper explores the translation strategies of personal anaphora and puts forward some translation strategies, such as compensation, ellipsis and translation. This study is intended to be beneficial to the further improvement of the quality of legal translation.


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