[Abstract]:Product recall system, as a new system born in keeping with the trend of the times, can prevent large-scale personal or property damage caused by product defects, protect the interests of the public and regulate the production behavior of producers. It plays an irreplaceable role in ensuring the stable development of enterprises, reducing the risks of modern society and maintaining the prosperity and stability of the society. In recent years, China's product recall system has been basically established, the main body of product recall, procedures, as well as the corresponding responsibilities have been clearly legislated. However, it should be seen that the overall legislative rank of product recall is relatively low, mainly for all kinds of regulations and regulations, so the responsibility of product recall established at present is mainly administrative liability. Product recall, as a system based on the relationship between the sale and purchase of products, has obvious private law, but its own characteristics decide that it can not be incorporated into the traditional field of contract law to be adjusted. Therefore, to clarify the civil liability of product recall as soon as possible is a major problem in the process of establishing product recall system in China. The Tort liability Law, as the basic civil law to adjust the tort act, creates the tort liability for product recall in the chapter on product liability, which specifically stipulates the tort liability arising from the failure to carry out the recall in a timely and effective manner. It fills up the blank of civil liability of product recall in our country. The tort liability of product recall is based on the principle of presumption of fault, which is different from that of general product tort liability in terms of constitutive elements, and also shows its own characteristics in the way of liability assumption. This paper holds that the creation of tort liability for product recall creates a new type of tort liability on the basis of the liability for warranty for defects in contract law and the tort law for general product tort. The tort liability law not only establishes the tort liability of product recall, but also clarifies the application of punitive damages in the field of product liability. This paper holds that punitive damages are applicable to all malicious product infringement, including, of course, malicious product recall infringement. The creation of tort liability for product recall has changed the situation in which producers were punished solely by administrative liability such as fines and business licenses, and sellers lagged behind to fulfill their recall obligations, which is more conducive to protecting the interests of consumers. The introduction of punitive damages also strengthens the deterrent effect of product recall liability and helps to promote the effective implementation of product recall.
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