[Abstract]:Water right includes the ownership of water resources and the right to use water resources. The ownership of water resources belongs to the state within the framework of the system of our country, and can not be transferred in any way, but the right to take water for the purpose of using water resources can be transferred. The right to take water is the core right in the use of water resources, which is the object of water resources. The economic benefit function and dominability of water resources determine the private property of water right, which is a kind of property right. The right to water takes the income of water resources as the right content, and can be exclusive by the right holder, so the water right is the real right in the property right, specifically speaking, it is a usufruct right, which can be circulated and transferred between the subjects. Therefore, the transfer of water right is a transfer of private rights, that is, the transfer of the right to water from the obligee to another subject. The premise and core of water right transfer is to define the scope of transfer. Not all water rights can be transferred, but they are restricted by the use of water rights and the way of obtaining water. The right to receive water for economic purposes can be transferred only if the right to obtain a permit to take water is granted. At the same time, we should expand the scope of transferable water rights, some special circumstances to allow the full transfer of water rights. In addition, we should also clarify the transfer of water rights between different levels of restrictions. Water resource is not only a kind of private goods, but also a kind of public goods. The property of public goods of water resources determines that the transfer of water right should be regulated by the government. But in essence, the transfer of water right is a private right transfer. Therefore, the government should only guide and supervise the transfer of the right to take water from the macro level, and the microcosmic link of the transfer should be regulated by the market. It is necessary to interpret and construct the transfer system of water right by the thinking of civil law. The agreement on the transfer of water right belongs to the contract of creditor's rights, and the rules of contract law should be used for its conclusion and validity, while the contract rules for sale and purchase should be used for the rights and obligations of the parties. At the same time, the transfer of water right, as a kind of usufruct right, belongs to the category of real right change, and should follow the rules of property right change.
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