[Abstract]:Article 51 of the Law of the People's Republic of China is as follows: "Any person who is not entitled to dispose of another person's property, who has been recognized by the obligee or has no right to dispose of the property right after the contract has entered into a contract, shall be decentralized, and the contract shall be valid." But how to understand the meaning of this clause, there has been a lot of differences in the theory circle, which also has great influence on the practice circles. Based on the distinction between creditor's right behavior and real right behavior as well as the independence of real right behavior and the independence of real right behavior, the theory circle has no right to punish the validity of contract signing. Prior to the promulgation of the Real Right Law, it is generally considered that the theory of real right behavior is not recognized in our traditional civil law theory. Therefore, it is opposed to the theory of real right behavior to explain the validity of the right to dispose of the contract has not been successful. However, Article 15 of the Law of the People's Republic of China promulgated and implemented in 2007 has established the principle of distinguishing the cause and result of the change of real right, that is, adopting the theory of real right behavior, and various viewpoints have different opinions on the interpretation of the Contract Law> Article 51 and cannot be unified. More complex, in May 2012, the Supreme People's Court promulgated the Supreme People's Court's Interpretation of the Law on the Handling of Disputes over the Sale and Sales Contract, and Article 3 explicitly adopted the view that no right to dispose of it effectively, namely: "The people's court shall not support the party's people's court in case the seller has no ownership or disposition of the subject matter at the time of contracting. If the Seller fails to transfer the ownership of the subject matter due to the lack of ownership or disposition, the Buyer requires the Seller to assume the liability for breach of contract or require the termination of the contract and claim damages, the people's court shall support." This provision has a clear conflict with the right to dispose of the system under article 51 of the Contract Law. The promulgation of this regulation makes it more necessary and urgent to understand and apply the system more clearly in our country. In the author's opinion, as a legal worker, respect and enforcement of the current legal provisions is the most basic quality for legal workers It is true that there are shortcomings in the Contract Law and Article 51, but before other provisions have been made by the legislature, the legal worker should explain and apply only within the framework of the existing legal system in our country, especially when the substantive boundary is more In this way, based on this understanding, this paper will not have the right to dispose of the validity of the contract signed by the people around our country's current contract law, and analyze and compare the contemporary domestic and foreign texts. State "does not have the right to On the basis of the theory, it analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the right to dispose of the opinions, and finally affirms the effectiveness. In the text, it will also focus on how to connect the right disposition system and the good faith acquisition system stipulated in the Contract Law> Article 51 in the current legal system in our country. If there are no other co-owners who agree to dispose of the common property, the mortgagor does not agree to dispose of the property without the consent of the mortgagee In different situations such as the goods, the sale of the lease, etc., the current right to dispose of the system applies; the right to dispose of the system and the seller's rights flaw guarantee liability, the relationship between the invalid and the cancerability of the contract is the same. In May 2012, the Supreme People's Court promulgated by the Supreme People's Court in May 2012, the Supreme People's Court's interpretation of the application of the law on the handling of disputes concerning sales and sales contracts, and the provisions concerning the right to dispose of the system are not the new ones in our country's authority to dispose of the system In fact, it is effective to say that the regulations made on the basis of theory must have great influence on China's current right to dispose of the system The effect of this article will be on the theoretical basis, progress and deficiency of the new regulation, how to coordinate with the existing authority to punish the system and so on deeply
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