[Abstract]:With the emergence of a bubble in the real estate market and the introduction of real estate regulation and control policies, the prices of commercial housing have fallen sharply in a short period of time. As a result, the owners are unwilling to continue to perform the commercial housing sales contracts that have been in force. They even racked their brains to find the legal thing to check out. With the previous purchase group's ferocious momentum, followed by the "check-out tide" is unstoppable. To this, the developer asks the court to ask the owner to continue to perform the contract. The theory of efficiency breach holds that the owner should enjoy the freedom of breach of contract. However, the theory of efficient breach of contract has some limitations, and the actual performance can achieve the purpose of contract and the value of contract law. In a series of check-out cases, the courts mostly upheld developers' claims. Therefore, the owner's check-out can not be achieved through reasonable legal remedies.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学法学院;
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