[Abstract]:In the course of long-term development, China's trade unions have a prominent political function and a lack of economic maintenance. On the basis of the Trade Union Law and the provisions of the Collective contract, the Labor contract Law clarifies the right of trade unions to guide and expand their right to participate in trade unions. It strengthens the negotiation right of the trade union, clarifies the supervision power of the trade union, endows the trade union with more clear, concrete right of representation and maintenance, objectively strengthens the position of the collective labor relations agent of the trade union, and impels the trade union function to change greatly. It is necessary to carry out the "Labor contract Law" and give full play to the important function of the trade union. The train of thought to improve and improve the function of the trade union is to actively innovate the function of the trade union in the public owned enterprise, and to constantly improve the mechanism of safeguarding the rights of the trade union in the non-public enterprise. Specific measures include: trade unions should act as public welfare guides in the formation of labor relations and as promoters and popularizers of Labor contract Law. During the existence of labor relations, trade unions should be the expression of workers' interests and defenders, and conscientiously fulfill the provisions of the law. In the implementation of the labor contract system, the labor union should be a counterweight to the employer and be a supporter of the Labor contract Law. In the law enforcement supervision of labor contract relation, trade union should act as the assistant of labor administrative department and the supervisor of law enforcement.
【作者单位】: 山东黄河河务局;
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