[Abstract]:The personal right of civil rights in modern society has been paid more and more attention, and the problem of compensation for mental damage has become a hot and core issue in the field of civil law. However, the traditional civil law is based on the dual structure of tort liability and breach of contract liability, which establishes the principle that based on tort liability can claim mental damage compensation, but based on breach of contract liability can not claim spiritual damage compensation. As a result, the victim can only stick to the theory of concurrence between the liability for breach of contract and the liability for tort, and the compensation for spiritual damage and the interests of the contract can not be obtained simultaneously, but can only be chosen. There are many reasons for this result, one of which is the deviation in the understanding of the function of contract, which is not only to satisfy the pursuit of commercial transactions in order to achieve economic interests, but also to achieve a certain spiritual purpose. This is immediately the case with the travel contract. Unlike other service contracts based on economic interests, tourism contracts are aimed at enjoying special spiritual benefits. If such contracts are violated, they will not only bring economic losses to tourists, but also affect tourists' emotions. To the detriment of the spiritual interests of tourists. In order to guarantee the fairness and fairness of tourism contract, not only the economic loss of tourists should be compensated, but also the spiritual interests of tourists should be put first. The needs of the real society have also been positively responded to by civil legislation. France, Japan and other countries have adopted a lenient attitude towards compensation for spiritual damage in breach of contract, and Taiwan has also taken a positive attitude in the revised Civil Code. The legislation represented by Germany recognizes that tourism contracts and other contracts pursuing spiritual interests can claim compensation for mental damage on the basis of liability for breach of contract. This is an important institutional innovation of contract law and a response to the spiritual pursuit of modern civil subjects. The legislation of our country should absorb this achievement and embody it in the course of the amendment of contract law. However, in this process, the scope of application of compensation for mental damage in liability for breach of contract, the link with the law of tort liability, and the determination of compensation for mental damage should be deeply studied in order to realize the systematic connection between the civil law and the civil law.
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