[Abstract]:How to motivate employees has been a long-term concern of enterprises. Scholars and literatures have paid more attention to the problem of executive compensation and incentive, but have not paid enough attention to the ordinary employees' compensation system and incentive. Based on the economic pattern of "two-track system", the market-oriented reform and the system background of the implementation of Labor contract Law, this paper takes the salary stickiness of ordinary employees as the starting point. The influence of the property right nature and the marketization level on the salary stickiness of the ordinary employees is investigated. Furthermore, the effect of labor protection on the salary stickiness of ordinary employees is investigated. Taking the implementation of Labor contract Law as the proxy variable of labor protection, this paper makes an empirical test using the data of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2005 to 2014. The results show that the salary of ordinary employees in state-owned enterprises is viscous. However, there is no stickiness in the salary of ordinary employees in non-state-owned enterprises. Further considering the level of marketization, it is found that the salary of employees in the areas with high level of marketization and low level of marketization in state-owned enterprises are all viscous. There is significant stickiness in the employees' salary in the low marketization area of non-state-owned enterprises, but there is no stickiness in the employees' salary in the high market-oriented area. Finally, considering the exogenous variable of labor protection, the results show that the increase of labor protection intensifies the viscosity of ordinary employees' salary in state-owned enterprises, but has no significant effect on non-state-owned enterprises. On the one hand, this paper explains the causes of the salary stickiness of ordinary employees in state-owned enterprises from the angle of property right system, and provides the direction enlightenment for the reform of state-owned enterprises and marketization. On the other hand, the conclusion provides evidence for the economic consequences of the implementation of the Labor contract Law.
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