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发布时间:2019-03-15 06:44
[Abstract]:The closer the social and economic exchanges become, the more frequent the transactions are, and the more important the contract law plays in the protection of the market economy. A mature market economy, to a large extent, is marked by whether the contract can be fulfilled in a timely and successful manner and whether the disputes arising from the contract are resolved in a timely and fair manner. The contract termination system plays an important role in whether the disputes arising from the contract can be resolved in time and justly. As to the system of rescission of contract, the three problems dealing with different opinions in trial practice are whether notice is the necessary procedure for termination of contract, whether the penalty for breach of contract coexists with the termination of contract, and the scope of claiming compensation for damages after the termination of contract. Starting from the basic principle of the contract discharge system and the specific provisions of the contract Law, this paper focuses on the analysis of the notice mode in the procedure of termination of the contract and the problems encountered in the judicial practice of the legal consequences after the termination of the contract, and explains the problems encountered in the judicial practice. Each chapter takes the case in the trial practice as the citation. The first chapter, based on Article 96 of contract Law, gives a brief account of the notice mode and effect of termination of contract, and then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of demanding termination of contract directly without notice. The second chapter, based on Article 97 of the contract Law, gives a brief account of the validity of the termination of the contract, the legal consequences of the termination of the contract, and the nature of the damages for breach of contract. To judge whether or not to claim damages for breach of contract together after the termination of contract in trial practice. The third chapter is based on the clear stipulation in the contract Law that compensation for loss is one of the legal consequences of termination of contract, and analyzes whether the compensation for loss released from contract is an expression of liability for breach of contract or a manifestation of other forms of civil liability. After determining the nature of the indemnification of the contract, the question of whether the available benefits can be supported is discussed. With the combination of theory and practice and with the analysis of specific cases, this paper analyzes the three kinds of problems in the system of termination of contract, which appear in the practice of trial, and tries to make some breakthroughs in dealing with the big differences of opinion.


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