[Abstract]:Compensation for damages is the most common form of contract liability, and also a remedy to fully protect the interests of the victims. The application of derogation rules is intended to limit damages to a reasonable range. Derogation rules are developed from common law in the United States and are now recognized and adopted by national legislation and jurisprudence. This rule has been stipulated in the General principles of Civil Law and the contract Law in China, and the new Judicial interpretation on Sale and purchase contract of the Supreme Court in 2012 has further explained the rule, but these provisions are relatively abstract. It is not conducive to the specific application in judicial practice; Domestic academic papers in this area are also few, and the summary is relatively simple. Therefore, through a comprehensive introduction of the concept, nature and legal basis of the derogation rule, this paper focuses on the rational measures of the derogation rule; Then it mainly analyzes the core problem of this paper, the scope and effect of applying derogation rule in judicial practice, aiming at expounding how to apply derogation rule in judicial practice, and puts forward some suggestions to further perfect the rule. The main body of this paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter, the summary of the derogation rules of damages for breach of contract. This paper mainly explores the origin of derogation rules, introduces the concept and nature of derogation rules and the legal basis of derogation rules. Based on the comprehensive generalization and accurate positioning of the derogation rule, it is concluded that the derogation obligation is an "unreal obligation", and its legal basis is the combination of causality theory and economic efficiency theory. The second chapter, the reasonable measure of derogation rule. This chapter mainly analyzes the judicial practice of applying derogation rules, that is, the rationality judgment of derogation measures, and systematically analyzes the reasonable person standard, subjective standard-good faith standard, economic standard. In addition, several specific measures of derogation measures are described, including cessation of performance, continuation of performance, alternative transactions and acceptance of contract changes. Chapter III, the scope and effect of derogation rules. This chapter first emphasizes the application of the derogation rule in the expected default, then expounds how to coordinate the relationship between the derogation rule and the actual performance when it is applied. Finally, it explains the legal effect of applying the derogation rule. Chapter four, the perfection of derogation rules. This part mainly analyzes the current situation of legislation and application of derogation rules in our country, points out the existing problems, and puts forward some judicial suggestions to perfect the derogation rules on this basis. In order to make some contribution to the legal theory of the rule of derogation for breach of contract in our country.
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