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发布时间:2019-05-24 22:15
【摘要】: 契约自由是商品交换顺利进行和市场机制发挥基础性作用的保障,但是,随着社会的发展,无限制的契约自由成了强者压迫弱者的工具。为平衡缔约双方的合法权益、维护社会秩序的稳定、推动社会文明的发展,必须对契约自由加以合理的限制,规定受要约人无正当理由不得拒绝承诺,必须与要约人缔结契约。强制缔约制度正是由此产生的。 强制缔约作为一种平衡契约双方利益的法律制度,,越来越受到人们的关注,国外法学理论界与实务界对其研究比较深入。但在我国,由于相关的立法不尽完善,司法操作也较混乱,加上法学理论研究较浅,造成强制缔约在我国法律界遭遇尴尬。为了使对强制缔约的研究得到理论界的重视,并以此为契机促进我国民法的发展以及法治化进程,本文拟对强制缔约法律制度作一初步探讨。 全文除引言、结语外共分三个部分。 引言对强制缔约法律制度的重要性进行了概括,并说明了完善我国强制缔约法律制度的现实意义。 第一部分主要从强制缔约的产生、法律性质、涵义、分类、与相关法律概念的区别这五个方面对强制缔约的基本法律理论加以阐述。本文指出,强制缔约诞生于垄断资本主义阶段对契约自由的弊端进行修正的需要;强制缔约的情形应当采广义说;强制缔约行为的法律性质属于介于公法行为与一般民事法律行为之间的广义的私法行为范畴;目前学术界对强制缔约有多种分类,但本文更倾向以法律有无明确规定所作的直接强制缔约和间接强制缔约的分类。在这部分本文还对强制缔约与格式合同、行政契约、预约这些相关法律概念进行了比较分析,以利于对强制缔约的更深理解。 第二部分主要对我国现行立法关于强制缔约的法律规定作了较为全面和深入的评析。本部分首先分析了在我国适用强制缔约制度的必要性,而后分析了当前我国关于强制缔约的立法现状,肯定了我国法律初步确定了强制缔约制度,最后指出了我国立法由于未规定强制缔约受要约人拒绝缔约的正当理由、对受要约人的承诺时间未作明确规定、对受要约人不履约的法律责任规定欠缺、在合同法总则中缺乏一般陛条款的规定所存在的不足之处。 第三部分对完善我国的强制缔约法律制度进行了研究。这是本文的重点部分。本部分指出完善我国的强制缔约法律制度,应将强制缔约的适用范围扩大到提供公共服务的其他公用事业单位、居于“事实垄断”地位的经营者、依公序良俗原则负有缔约义务的行业或组织;此外,我国立法还应明确规定受要约人可拒绝缔约的正当理由、受要约人的承诺时间、缔约义务人拒绝缔约应当承担的法律责任;本部分还提出了在合同法总则中增设关于强制缔约一般性条款的完善建议。 结语部分指出在运用强制缔约法律制度对契约自由进行必要限制的同时,也应该注意避免对强制缔约的滥用,强调了合同自由原则是合同法中最基本原则,也是鼓励交易、促进市场经济发展的必要条件。强制缔约制度只是对合同自由弊端的一种修正,而不是对合同自由的否定。 本文的新颖之处在第三部分对“事实垄断”地位经营者应当适用强制缔约法律制度的论述。本文指出“事实垄断”指的是在特定的时空下,经营者由于提供的产品或服务缺乏竞争而居于事实上的独占地位形成的垄断。这是一种具有垄断的外在表象的拟制的垄断,这种垄断虽然不同于经营规模过于膨胀而形成的自然垄断,但若经营者滥用缔约自由,无正当理由拒绝要约人的缔约请求,象自然垄断的经营者违反缔约义务一样,也会严重损害缔约相对方的合法权益。故对居于事实垄断地位的经营者立法应赋予其强制缔约义务。
[Abstract]:The freedom of contract is the guarantee of the smooth progress of the commodity exchange and the basic function of the market mechanism, but with the development of the society, the free contract freedom becomes the tool for the strong to oppress the weak. In order to balance the legitimate rights and interests of the contracting parties, to maintain the stability of the social order and to promote the development of the social civilization, the freedom of the contract must be reasonably limited. The compulsory contracting system is the result. As a legal system for balancing the interests of the two parties, it is more and more concerned that the foreign law theory and practice community The research is more in-depth. But in our country, because the related legislation is not perfect, the judicial operation is also chaotic, and the study of the legal theory is shallow, resulting in the compulsory contracting in our country law. In order to give attention to the study of forced contracting, and to promote the development of the civil law in China and the process of legal treatment, this paper is to give the legal system of compulsory contracting. To make a preliminary study. In addition to the introduction, the conclusion is divided into three parts. The foreword summarizes the importance of the compulsory contracting legal system, and The practical significance of perfect China's compulsory contracting legal system is described. The first part is mainly from the generation of compulsory contracting, the nature of the law, the meaning, the classification and the related law. In this paper, it is pointed out that forced contracting is born in the stage of monopoly capitalism. The need for amendment of the defect of about freedom; the case of compulsory contracting should be broadly stated; the legal nature of the forced contracting act is between the act of public law and the general civil legal act There are a wide range of private law acts between the academic and the academic circles, but this article is more inclined to There is a clear definition of the type of direct forced and indirect compulsory contracting made by the law. In this part, it is also for compulsory contracting and format contracts, administrative contracts, appointments, A comparative analysis of the relevant legal concepts in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of the compulsory contracting. In this part, the necessity of applying the compulsory contracting system in China is analyzed, and then the analysis is made. On the basis of the current situation of the legislation of the compulsory contracting of the contracting parties in our country, it is certain that the law of our country has determined the compulsory contracting system, and finally points out that the legislation of our country has not provided the justification for the refusal of the contracting party by the offeror. If the acceptance time of the offeror is not specified, the offeror does not perform the contract. The legal liability is deficient, and the general rule of law is lacking in the general rules of the contract law. The inadequacy of the provisions The third part is to study the perfect China's compulsory contracting legal system. This part is the key part of this paper. This part points out the perfection of the compulsory contracting legal system in our country, and should extend the application scope of the compulsory contracting to other public utility units that provide the public service. The operator of the position of opoly " shall have the industry or organization with the obligation of contracting in accordance with the principle of public order and good. In addition, the legislation of our country shall also specify that the offeror may refuse the cause of the contract and the time of the acceptance by the offeror, and the contracting agent refuses to conclude the contract." In this part, the author also puts forward some suggestions on the improvement of the general provisions of the compulsory contracting in the general rules of the contract law. The concluding remarks point out that it is also important to avoid the necessity of applying the compulsory contracting legal system to the freedom of the contract. The abuse of compulsory contracting states that the principle of freedom of contract is the most basic principle in the contract law, and it is also an incentive. It is a necessary condition to promote the development of the market economy. The compulsory contracting system is only a kind of amendment to the freedom of the contract, not the negative of the freedom of the contract. In the third part, the author of "the fact monopoly" status should apply to the discussion of compulsory contracting legal system. Poly " refers to a monopoly formed by the fact that the operator is in de facto monopolistic position due to the lack of competition for the products or services provided, in particular time-and-space. The monopoly, which is different from the natural monopoly formed by the expansion of the scale of operation, is, if the operator is abused, The contracting request of an offeror, such as a natural monopoly.


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