[Abstract]:As one of the restrictive rules of the principle of complete compensation, the predictability rule has been widely recognized and applied in most countries in the world. The contract law of our country also stipulates the predictability rule in legislation, but it still has some shortcomings in legislation and judicial practice. In order to make the application of the rule in China more perfect, this paper discusses its connotation and value through its development process and evaluation, and sums up and compares the basic contents of the predictability rule in France, the United States and the international unified legislation. Combined with the case of applying predictability rule in judicial practice of our country, this paper probes into the concrete situation of the application of predictability rule in our country and some problems faced by it in modern times. The first part mainly introduces the theoretical origin of predictability rules. First of all, it combs the course of its establishment and development: it originated from ancient Roman law, established in French law, developed and flourished in Anglo-American case law, and was adopted and established by international unified legislation; Then it summarizes the support and criticism of predictability rules, and gives the author's point of view: predictability rules have independent value and status, but their excessive discretion also makes them face challenges in specific application; Finally, the quite causality, predictability rules and fault related concepts in tort law are compared with predictability rules. The second part discusses the specific content and scope of predictability rule. As far as the concrete content is concerned, the author compares the application of the predictability rule from the perspective of the foresight subject, the foresight time, the foresight object and the foresight standard, and expounds that the foreseeable subject of the predictability rule should be the party in breach of contract. The foreseeable time should be when the contract is concluded, the object of foresight should be the type of damage, and the degree of damage should not be foreseen. The standard of foresight should adopt the standard of reasonable person. As far as the scope of application is concerned, the predictability rule is applicable to the liability for breach of contract on the premise of the existence of a valid contract, and to the compensation for non-property damage in breach of contract. The third part mainly expounds the cognizance of predictability rules in judicial trial cases in our country, and points out the concrete situation and existing problems of predictability rules in the application of predictability rules in combination with the cases.
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