[Abstract]:The traditional cause theory of contract validity in French law system was founded by jurists Thomas, Poitier and others in the 18th century, and reflected in the French Civil Code of 1804. Its core content is to emphasize objective and external reciprocity obligations as the conditions for the establishment of debt. This theory gets rid of the ethical color of contract debt since the Middle Ages and embodies the value pursuit of individualism political philosophy in the 19th century. However, the theory also has many defects and has been criticized by counter-cause theorists. Critics point out that the traditional cause theory is historically false, uncertain and of no practical value. In this regard, the new causalism, represented by jurists Henri Capitant and Flur, modifies the traditional theory, puts forward "monism" and "dualism" respectively, and refutes the criticism of counter-causationists. The course of formation and development of the cause theory of French law system shows that the interpretation theory of contract validity needs to overcome a dilemma, that is, the contradiction between protecting individual freedom and maintaining public order, which also exists in our country at present. Therefore, the investigation of the above course has certain reference significance for the construction and perfection of contract law theory in our country.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学法学院
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