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发布时间:2021-10-13 00:31
  随着经济全球化的发展和中国对外开放政策的进一步深化,合同翻译愈来愈显示其重要性。合同属于法律文件的一种,长期以来人们一致认为翻译法律文件应当严格直译。近年来人们逐渐认识到译者的创造性在法律文件翻译中的重要性,然而在译者享有的自由度问题上还未达成普遍共识。另一方面,人们普遍同意法律翻译中目标文本应重现原文文本的文体,许多人在这方面做出了许多研究。然而法律文件文体翻译研究还处于非常落后的状态,表现为对文体非常笼统,印象化的评论,而忽略了法律文本的实质。 功能文体学作为现代文体理论,为文体分析提供了新的视角和方法。许多学者在该理论的指引下对文学语言进行了研究,取得了瞩目的成就。本文认为功能文体学同样适用于法律文体分析,从而能指导法律文件翻译。这个语言学理论包括的功能观、层次观和语境理论既能解释文本内语言现象,又能解释文本外文化和情境因素;将语言形式、内容和语言功能结合起来考虑,能加深人们对合同文本实质的理解,克服传统文体分析和严格直译的缺点和不足。与其他文体理论相比较,功能文体学为合同文本分析和翻译提供了一种更全面、更深刻、更系统的研究方法。因此本文拟尝试运用功能文体学指导合同文本的分... 

【文章来源】:国防科技大学湖南省 211工程院校 985工程院校

【文章页数】:101 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Significance of contract translation
    1.2 Object and Scope of this thesis
Chapter Two Survey of contract
    2.1 Definition of contract
    2.2 Contract as a type of legal document
    2.3 Brief history of legal translation
    2.4 Different goals of legal translation
    2.5 Text typology of legal text
Chapter Three Theoretical basis: Functional Stylistics
    3.1 Literature review
    3.2 Multi-strata theory
    3.3 Functional theory
    3.4 Context theory
    3.5 Prominence, foregrounding and criteria of relevance
Chapter Four Applying Functional Stylistics to contract translation
    4.1 Providing a fresh functional approach, which is more penetrating when applied to style translation in the general sense
    4.2 Providing a pluralist and hence a more comprehensive approach to stylistic study and translation
    4.3 Stressing on the relations between linguistic system and society, which is predominant in legal text
    4.4 Solving the disagreements on text typology of legal text by laying equal stress on three meta-functions
    4.5 Meeting the goal of authoritative translation
    4.6 Framework of studying contract translation based on Functional Stylistics
Chapter Five Context of contract
    5.1 Cultural context
    5.2 Situational context
Chapter Six Practical analysis of contract translation
    6.1 Ideational function
        6.1.1 Vocabulary
        6.1.2 Transitivity system
        6.1.3 Logic-semantics
    6.2 Interpersonal function
        6.2.1 Vocabulary
        6.2.2 Mood
        6.2.3 Modality
    6.3 Textual function
        6.3.1 Cohesion
        6.3.2 Thematic and informtion system and passive voice
        6.3.3 Arrangement of information units
    6.4 Summary: analysis of translation of an integrated contract
        6.4.1 Attainment of ideational function
        6.4.2 Attainment of interpersonal function
        6.4.3 Attainment of textual function
Chapter Seven Conclusion
    7.1 Findings of this research
    7.2 Significance of this thesis
    7.3 Limitation of this thesis and suggestions for further study




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