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发布时间:2018-07-04 11:41

  本文选题:垃圾 + 处理 ; 参考:《河南大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:自古以来,制造垃圾就是人类存在的明确标示。从原始人类活动开始,就有固体垃圾的产生,那时的固体垃圾主要是粪便、动植物残渣等。垃圾是人类活动不可避免的产物,人们在享受衣食住行的同时也产生了垃圾。而在现代社会,人口、资源和环境是人类所面临的三大问题。资源匮乏和环境污染已越来越受到人们的普遍关注,特别是由于人类生活、生产活动所产生的废气、废水、固体废弃物即“三废”导致的严重环境污染和生态恶化。对于废气和废水,人们早就认识到其危害性,并对其造成的污染的控制和治理给予了高度重视。相对而言,人们对固体垃圾的危害性认识较晚,对环境造成污染的控制和治理的研究开展的也晚一些。在我国,农村区域占国土面积的90%,农民占全国人口的70%。近30年来,我国经济保持了高速的增长,国家的综合实力持续上升,城乡居民的生活水平也不断提高。伴随着经济的发展,我国垃圾产生量远远超过了垃圾处理能力,垃圾处理问题成为各级政府面临的问题和挑战。目前,社会各界已经意识到城市垃圾污染的危害,很多城市已经开始逐步实行垃圾的分类收集和无害化处理。但是在广大农村地区,存在着城市垃圾向农村转移、农村生活垃圾未经处理直接排放、农业生产的废弃物的焚烧和乡镇企业及乡村集约化生产产生的垃圾的违法排放的等问题,再加上对这四类垃圾处理不当,给农村的生态环境造成了严重的污染。 然而,农村垃圾处理问题及其产生的生态环境污染仍没有引起社会各界应有的重视。首先表现在农村垃圾处理的立法方面,现行有效的有关环境保护的法律法规大都没有将农村垃圾处理纳入立法调整的范围,导致农村垃圾处理法律制度不完善,一些领域还存在法律空白。农村垃圾处理的立法欠缺和基层环境管理机构设置的不合理,致使农村垃圾处理主体的权责无法界定,影响了执法的效果。另一方面农民处于社会的最低层,经济状况糟糕,环境权得不到有效保护,导致农民的环境法律意识薄弱,参与农村垃圾处理的积极性较低,不可能对农村垃圾处理主管部门的执法形成有效的监督。要解决农村垃圾处理问题,必须树立环境公平正义的立法指导思想,进一步完善《环境保护法》、《固体废物污染环境防治法》,加入规定农村垃圾处理问题的内容。条件具备时可制定《农村环境保护法》或《农村环境保护条例》,在此基础上吸收农民参与地方环境法律政策的制定,注重公民环境权的平等,完善农村垃圾处理的地方法规,制定符合各地实际的农村垃圾处理环境标准。设置符合各地实际的农村垃圾处理主管部门,加强农村垃圾处理执法队伍建设,明确农村垃圾处理主体的权力、职责和权利、义务。 农村垃圾处理问题的解决也离不开城市居民的环境援助,在实践中可以适当征收环境税和生态税,以补偿农村生态环境保护缺乏资金的现实,为农村垃圾处理基础设施建设筹措资金,为农村垃圾处理技术研究提供支持,同时也应该从经济上补贴作为农村垃圾处理主体之一的农民,有利于其积极参与农村垃圾的处理。还应该保护农民环境权,对农民实施环境教育以增强其环境保护的法律意识。最后,要从法律监督的角度出发,加强农村垃圾处理的立法监督、行政监督、司法监督和社会监督,监督农村垃圾处理主体是否履行了法律职责和义务。 本文共分三部分 第一部分,首先分析了目前我国农村垃圾处理的现状,并指出农村垃圾处理存在的问题,接着找出了农村垃圾处理存在问题的原因,最后指明农村垃圾处理不当会对农村生态环境产生严重的危害。因为农村垃圾处理存在问题,我们有必要运用法律来分析这一问题,为解决它打下基础。 第二部分,分析了农村垃圾处理存在的法律问题。主要是农村垃圾处理在环境立法上存在的问题、环境执法对农村垃圾处理问题的漠视、农村垃圾处理守法上存在的问题、农村垃圾处理法律监督存在的问题。通过对这四方面的分析,得出了要用环境法律来完善农村垃圾处理问题的必要性。 第三部分,针对上一部分分析出的农村垃圾处理存在的法律问题,提出了解决我国农村垃圾处理问题的法律建议。主要包括四个方面,解决农村垃圾处理问题的立法设想、解决农村垃圾处理问题的执法设想、改变农民环境守法的现状、加强农村垃圾处理法律监督。
[Abstract]:Since ancient times , the production of garbage is a clear indication of the existence of human beings . From the beginning of the original human activity , there is solid waste generation . At the time , the solid waste is the inevitable product of human activities , and the problem of pollution control and treatment of the environment is increasing . In China , people have already realized the problems and challenges of the pollution caused by the environment . In China , there are many problems and challenges facing the government at the same time . In China , there are problems such as the transfer of urban garbage to the countryside , the incineration of the waste of agricultural production and the illegal discharge of garbage generated by rural intensive production , and the serious pollution to the ecological environment in the countryside .

However , the problem of rural garbage disposal and its ecological environment pollution have not caused the attention of all circles of society . First of all , in the legislation of rural garbage disposal , the existing laws and regulations on environmental protection do not include the scope of legislation adjustment , which leads to the inadequate legal system of rural garbage disposal .

In order to solve the problem of rural garbage disposal , environmental tax and ecological tax can be properly collected in practice to compensate rural ecological environment protection , so as to provide support for rural garbage disposal technology research . At the same time , it should also protect farmers ' environmental rights , implement environmental education for farmers to strengthen the legal awareness of environmental protection . Finally , we should strengthen the legislation supervision , administrative supervision , judicial supervision and social supervision of rural garbage disposal from the perspective of legal supervision , and supervise the main body of rural garbage disposal to fulfill legal duties and obligations .

This article is divided into three parts .

The first part , firstly , analyzes the present situation of rural garbage disposal in China , and points out the problems existing in rural garbage treatment , then finds out the causes of the problem of rural garbage disposal , and finally points out that the improper treatment of rural garbage can seriously harm the ecological environment of the countryside . Because of the problems of rural garbage disposal , we need to use the law to analyze the problem and lay the foundation for solving it .

The second part analyzes the legal problems existing in the rural garbage disposal , mainly the problems existing in the environmental legislation of the rural garbage disposal , the problems existing in the environmental law enforcement on the problem of rural garbage disposal , the problems existing in the conservation law of the rural garbage , and the problems existing in the supervision of the legal supervision of the rural garbage disposal . Through the analysis of these four aspects , the necessity of perfecting the rural garbage disposal problem should be perfected by using the environmental law .

The third part , aiming at the legal problems existing in the rural garbage disposal in the last part , puts forward the legal suggestion to solve the problem of rural garbage disposal in China .


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