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发布时间:2019-04-04 09:27
【摘要】: 现阶段环境保护与经济发展之间的矛盾日益突出。在科学发展观的指导下,中国政府提出要以保护环境优化经济增长的管理理念。该理念强调政府要认识到环境保护与经济增长同等重要,环境保护和经济发展必须同步,政府要综合运用法律、经济和行政等多种手段预防和治理环境问题。同时,中国政府开始了新一轮的行政体制改革,环境保护主管部门的地位再一次得到提升。政府对环境保护的重视,极大鼓舞了社会环境保护力量,社会主体民主参与环境保护的要求也日益增加。在此背景下,改革和完善环境保护行政管理体制应该有新的思路。 市场经济发展到现阶段后,改革和完善环境保护行政管理体制的目的是克服环境保护中的“政府失灵”和“市场失灵”。其中,克服“政府失灵”是改革的关键目的。政府管制是克服环境保护中“市场失灵”的必要条件。在“政府失灵”的情况下,政府不但不能通过有效地解决环境保护中的“市场失灵”,甚至有可能进一步加重“市场失灵”带来的不利影响。 监督和约束政府权力是避免和克服环境保护中“政府失灵”的有效方法。而现有的环境保护行政管理体制中比较突出的问题就是对政府权力的监督和约束机制不足。主要表现为中央环境保护部门对地方政府的监督效果不佳、统管部门对分管部门的监督形同虚设、立法机关和司法机关对政府的监督力量薄弱、公众对政府的监督都受到制度缺失的限制。针对这些问题,在吸收国际经验的基础上,结合我国现阶段国家重视环境保护法制建设、重视行政管理体制改革、公众参与积极性提高等有利条件,本文提出了现阶段改革和完善环境保护行政体制的基本思路。以建设对政府权力的监督机制为主要内容,在重新立法或修订立法的过程中改革和完善现有的法律监督机制。包括完善区域督察制度、推动大部门制改革,鼓励和保障公众参与立法监督、司法监督等。
[Abstract]:At present, the contradiction between environmental protection and economic development is increasingly prominent. Under the guidance of the scientific development view, the Chinese government puts forward the management idea of optimizing the economic growth by protecting the environment. The concept emphasizes that the government should realize that environmental protection and economic growth are equally important, that environmental protection and economic development must be synchronized, and that the government should comprehensively use various means, such as law, economy and administration, to prevent and manage environmental problems. At the same time, the Chinese government has begun a new round of administrative reform, environmental protection authorities have once again been upgraded. The government's emphasis on environmental protection has greatly encouraged the social environmental protection forces, and the demand for democratic participation in environmental protection of the social subject is also increasing day by day. Under this background, there should be a new way to reform and perfect the administrative system of environmental protection. After the development of market economy, the purpose of reforming and perfecting the administrative management system of environmental protection is to overcome the "government failure" and "market failure" in environmental protection. Among them, overcoming "government failure" is the key goal of the reform. Government regulation is a necessary condition to overcome "market failure" in environmental protection. In the case of "government failure", the government can not only not effectively solve the "market failure" in environmental protection, but also may further aggravate the adverse impact of "market failure". Supervision and restraint of government power is an effective way to avoid and overcome "government failure" in environmental protection. The most prominent problem in the existing administrative system of environmental protection is that the supervision and restraint mechanism of government power is insufficient. The main manifestations are that the central environmental protection departments do not have a good effect on the supervision of local governments, the supervisory departments of the central environmental protection departments on the divided departments are virtually false, and the legislative and judicial organs are weak in their supervision of the government. The public's supervision of the government is restricted by the lack of the system. In view of these problems, on the basis of absorbing international experience, and in the light of the favorable conditions of our country at the present stage, such as attaching importance to the construction of the legal system of environmental protection, attaching importance to the reform of the administrative management system, and raising the enthusiasm This article puts forward the basic train of thought of reforming and perfecting the administrative system of environmental protection at the present stage. Taking the construction of the supervision mechanism of the government power as the main content, the existing legal supervision mechanism is reformed and perfected in the process of re-legislating or amending the legislation. It includes perfecting the regional supervision system, promoting the reform of the big department system, encouraging and protecting the public to participate in the legislative supervision, judicial supervision and so on.


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