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发布时间:2018-05-18 01:15

  本文选题:家庭暴力 + 性别 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2009年博士论文

【摘要】: 基于性别的家庭暴力是指,针对妇女的、由于她是女性而实施的、或不合比例地影响到妇女的家庭暴力。它既反映和强化了男女之间不平等的社会现实,又损害了女性的身体健康、人格尊严、安全利益和个人自治能力。但是,与发生在公共领域的诸如战争等暴力行为不同,由于家庭暴力发生在被称为私人领域的家庭之中,国家或公共权力机构多不愿干涉,即所谓“法不入家门”。这也使得基于性别的家庭暴力成为世界上分布最为广泛却最不受承认的侵害人权的事件。然而,如果国家在面对侵犯妇女人权的暴力现象时无动于衷、容忍甚至纵容,威胁妇女利益的权力就会被强化,社会和家庭层面普遍存在的男女不平等现象就会被遮掩,正义就无法得到伸张。因此,国家应对使妇女系统地处于弱者地位的庞大社会习俗和文化结构的持久化负有责任。 1993年,联合国《消除对妇女暴力宣言》首次明确表示国家具有人权层面上的,防治基于性别的暴力的责任。此后,每年的11月25日被联合国确定为“国际消除家庭暴力日”。在国家所采取的诸种措施中,法律是重要一环。“消除对妇女歧视委员会”建议缔约各国,“如果出现家庭暴力,必要时应诉诸刑事处罚以及民事补救方法。”根据联合国秘书长《关于一切形式对妇女暴力的深入研究报告》,截至2006年,全世界89个国家采用了某种形式的禁止家庭暴力立法。其中,60个国家制定了具体的反对家庭暴力法,同时,有越来越多的国家都制定了国家行动计划,以终止针对妇女的暴力。与2003年只有45个国家制定了针对家庭暴力的立法相比,目前的立法数量是大大增加了。但是,针对妇女实施的,基于性别的暴力仍然大量存在。这说明,有必要对立法和执法给予更多的关注。 本文以社会性别分析方法为依托,以基于性别的家庭暴力为分析对象,在解构该种家庭暴力之实质的基础上,提出反家庭暴力法的价值取向和制度功能,并结合中美两国反家庭暴力的立法和司法实践,推动中国反家庭暴力法的发展和进步。 全文除引言和结语外,共分七章,共约17万余字。 第一章,家庭暴力的基本解释。本章主要对家庭暴力的内涵进行解读和辨析。一般来说,暴力是指武力,是施暴者通过借助直接的物质力量造成他人人身、财产等权益的损害。在这个基础上,学者们对暴力的范畴进行了扩展,将非直接借助物质力量的精神暴力等形式的暴力行为纳入暴力的范畴之内。自我国2001年《婚姻法》修正案正式规定有关规制和处置家庭暴力的民事规范以来,我国对家庭暴力内涵的界定一直以最高人民法院2001年公布的《关于适用<中华人民共和国婚姻法>若干问题的解释(一)》第1条的解释为依据。但是,由于这一界定主要是指导司法实践的,因此,在有关家庭暴力行为的客体、表现形式和损害结果等方面引起了理论界的争论。在比较中美两国的有关规定的基础上,本章提出,家庭暴力的客体应当包括受害者的人身权、财产权;无论是物理暴力,还是精神暴力,都必须是以积极作为的方式作出。此外,对损害结果的认定应当采取较低的标准,以便于受害者证明自己遭受了家庭暴力。 第二章,反家庭暴力的人权基础。由于基于性别的家庭暴力是对妇女人权的侵犯,因此,人权框架是关于性别暴力研究的基础。笔者首先分析了人权的内涵、一般人权的内容,以及作为特殊人权的妇女人权。其次,笔者分析了传统法律为何不干预家庭暴力的原因。在以家庭为基准,区分公共领域与私人领域的前提下,家庭由于其特有的私密性、自然情感性而被认为属于法律不适于干预的私人领域,因此,发生在家庭内的所有事件,包括针对妇女的暴力行为都不需要通过法律手段来解决。女性主义理论对此提出了批评,通过证明私人领域与公共领域的同等重要性,以及公共领域与私人领域划分对女性的不利影响,从而提出国家必须承担起反对针对妇女的暴力行为的责任。最后,笔者回顾了联合国人权机构介入家庭暴力问题的历程。从20世纪80年代起,经过三个阶段的努力,联合国最终确认家庭暴力首先是侵犯妇女人权的行为,并把家庭暴力解释为“基于性别的暴力”。这样,在国际人权法层面,针对家庭暴力所做的各项工作均应以实现性别平等为目标。 第三章,基于性别的家庭暴力及其解构。本章是对基于性别的家庭暴力的理论分析。本章第一节指出,性别,或称社会性别是女性主义理论针对社会中存在的男女不平等现实而创造的特有概念。其意义在于,指出女性处于弱势地位的现实不是因为女性自身的生理性别所致,而是源于社会的塑造。随后,本节指出社会性别理论对法学研究的五点意义。本章第二节分析了婚姻关系中的权力产生的原因和此种权力的性质。现代社会是一个契约社会,包括婚姻关系在内,许多社会关系都被视为契约关系。理论上,契约是平等的双方在自愿的基础上达成的,分配权利与义务的协议。但是,实力不平等的主体并不是不能缔结契约,只是这种契约将会因为缔约者的不平等而发展成权力关系。实力不平等的男女所缔结的婚姻关系也属此类。从性别角度上来看,不平等的夫妻之间形成的此种权力关系来源于性别之间的差异,其功能在于进一步强化性别差异的刻板印象。本章第三节分析了基于性别的家庭暴力的实质。暴力是掌权者的工具,为掌权者服务,但暴力与权力并不是同时出现的,而是当掌权者恐怕失去权力时采取的工具。当夫妻之间发生权力冲突时,为了维护既有的权力,男性掌权者便试图通过运用暴力工具使女性服从于自己。 第四章,反家庭暴力法的价值取向和制度功能。本章主要涉及两个部分,即家庭暴力立法的价值取向和制度功能。笔者认为,法律是有关权利之学,正义价值是权利的逻辑基础。因此,正义价值也应当是家庭暴力立法的基本价值。鉴于正义分为分配正义和矫正正义两种基本类型,笔者认为,反家庭暴力立法的正义价值即在于如何在家庭中实现分配正义和矫正正义。贯彻分配正义的意义在于,由于夫妻权力关系的形成源于双方实力的不平等,因此,理应根据分配正义使双方实现实力的平等,以从根本上铲除产生暴力的土壤。贯彻矫正正义的意义在于,无救济便无权利,既然暴力表现为对受害者权益的侵犯,那么必须及时向受害者提供充分的救济。理论上,矫正正义乃为分配正义之补充。本章第二节在前一节的基础上,提出反家庭暴力法的制度功能。法律的功能是法律价值的具体化。对于家庭暴力立法应当实现怎样的功能,笔者认为,主要应有两级功能,低级功能和高级功能。其中低级功能是矫正正义的具体体现,它包括救济受害者和要求施暴者承担责任两个部分。高级功能是分配正义的具体体现,它主要在于赋予受害者以权利,从而实现男女双方的真正平等。 第五章,规制家庭暴力民法实体法的中美比较研究。本章共分为四节。第一节主要论证了家庭暴力行为作为侵权行为的理论基础是其违法性,并在此基础上评述了中国学界关于家庭暴力侵权的理论争议和美国法把家庭暴力确认为故意侵权行为的历程。但是,侵权行为的一般概念很难准确说明基于性别的家庭暴力侵权的特殊性质。因此,笔者在第二节提出,基于性别的家庭暴力侵权具有三种特殊性质:连续性、策略性、滥用性。之所以作如此界定,是以性别暴力行为的性质为基础的。性别暴力是男性用于控制女性的手段,其目的在于维持权力关系。结果上,它使得受暴妇女陷入无助和屈从。因此,任何家庭暴力行为都不应当被视为单独的,而应当被视为是用来压迫受暴妇女的手段,而且,它是男性以最小成本获取最大利益的策略性的侵权行为,并以自身的优势地位为基础。本章第三节论述了家庭暴力侵权行为的构成要件。在中国法上,过错侵权行为的构成要件主要采四要件说,即加害行为的违法性、损害事实、加害行为与损害结果之间的因果关系以及行为人的过错。在美国法上,家庭暴力分属不同的诉因,笔者分析几种主要的家庭暴力侵权行为的构成要件,它们是殴击、威吓和故意精神损害。本章第四节论述了家庭暴力侵权行为的损害赔偿。现代侵权行为法以损害的填补为目的,对于侵权损害来说,补偿性损害赔偿是首要的救济方式,这也是中美侵权损害赔偿的共通点。但是,美国法院亦常常对施暴者判处惩罚性赔偿。笔者认为,对于家庭暴力侵权来说,补偿性赔偿的效用有限。原因在于,补偿性赔偿往往会使加害人利用机会主义的方式逃脱补偿。因此,从实际效果来看,补偿性损害赔偿是一种有利于施暴者的制度安排。惩罚性赔偿则将损害赔偿扩大到可能受到侵权行为影响的第三人和社会公益,倡导一种报复主义,即任何人无权未经他人同意,不得要求他人放弃其权利。因此,惩罚性赔偿更符合妇女人权保护的理念。 第六章,处置家庭暴力的民法程序法的中美比较研究。本章第一节以我国因家庭暴力导致离婚的民事诉讼程序为分析对象。在处置家庭暴力的司法实践中,离婚案件为最常见者。笔者根据相关调查数据,分析了我国法院处理该类案件的程序,以及受害者寻求司法救济时遭遇的困境。总的来说,对于这类案件,我国法官遵循了审理一般民事案件的程序,而没有考虑到性别暴力的本质。本章第二节以美国民事保护令制度为分析对象。1994年以后,全美各州及哥伦比亚特区都立法规定家庭暴力受害者可以直接向法院请求签发民事保护令来保护自己的利益。本节正是对民事保护令的概念、特点、救济范围、取得、送达、执行程序以及违反民事保护令的责任所作的全面介绍和分析,并从受害者需要、权利救济、社会性别三个角度分析了民事保护令的积极性所在,在与私力救济对此的基础上,分析了民事保护令的缺陷。本章第三节从诉讼管辖、诉讼证明两个方面对我国家事诉讼与美国民事保护令诉讼进行了对比分析。 第七章,完善中国反家庭暴力民事法制之建议。本章第一节在借鉴前人成果的基础上,论述了中国反家庭暴力民事立法应选择的理念和模式。反家庭暴力应当依靠公力救济与私力救济相结合,本节提出应树立以公共权力制止私人暴力、以私人权利制止私人暴力的立法理念。在立法模式的选择上,鉴于联合国文件强调反家庭暴力不应束缚于对现有法律做细枝末节的修订,加之处理家事关系专门化的需要,有必要采取专门法的立法模式。本章第二节在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,先后论述了消灭“性别暴力”的根本途径,以及完善民法实体法、程序法的一些举措。 本文的主要创新之处在于: 第一,首次以美国一些州的立法为研究对象,在比较研究的基础上,系统地分析了家庭暴力的内涵; 第二,首次以社会性别理论为切入点分析了夫妻之间不平等的权力关系产生的原因; 第三,以暴力和权力的内在联络为切入点,系统分析了夫妻之间不平等的权力关系与家庭暴力的逻辑联系,以及基于性别的家庭暴力的实质所在; 第四,首次以性别平等为切入点分析了夫妻婚内侵权损害赔偿制度,扩展了社会性别分析方法的应用领域; 第五,为切实保障受暴者的权利,必须采取更有效的救济措施,为此,作者对我国以离婚诉讼为代表的家事诉讼与美国民事保护令诉讼进行了比较分析。
[Abstract]:Gender based domestic violence refers to women's implementation, or disproportionate impact on women's domestic violence, because she is a woman. It not only reflects and strengthens the unequal social reality between men and women, but also damages the health of the women, the dignity of the person, the security and the ability of self-government. Violence in the field, such as war, is different. As domestic violence occurs in families called private areas, the state or public authority is reluctant to interfere, that is, the so-called "law does not enter the house". This also makes domestic violence based on sex the most widely distributed and unacknowledged violation of human rights in the world. However, if the state is indifferent in the face of violence against women's human rights, tolerance and even indulgence, the power to threaten the interests of women will be strengthened. The inequality of men and women, which is common in the social and family level, will be obscured and justice cannot be extended. Therefore, the state should deal with the pang that makes women in the position of the weak. The persistence of large social customs and cultural structures is responsible.
In 1993, the United Nations Declaration on the elimination of violence against women was the first to express the country's human rights level and the responsibility to combat gender based violence. Since then, the United Nations has since been identified as the "international day for the elimination of domestic violence" by the United Nations every year in November 25th. The law is an important link among the various measures taken by the state. "The elimination of discrimination against women" The members of the Council suggested that States parties, "if domestic violence is present, all criminal penalties and civil remedies should be made necessary." according to the United Nations Secretary General's in-depth study on all forms of violence against women, as of 2006, 89 countries all over the world adopted a form of legislation on the prohibition of domestic violence. Of these, 60 national systems. Specific anti domestic violence laws have been set up, and more and more countries have developed national action plans to end violence against women. Compared with legislation on domestic violence in only 45 countries in 2003, the current number of legislation has increased greatly. However, gender based violence is still large for women. Quantity shows that it is necessary to pay more attention to legislation and law enforcement.
On the basis of the analysis of gender based domestic violence, this paper, based on gender based domestic violence, proposes the value orientation and institutional function of the anti domestic violence law on the basis of deconstructing the essence of the domestic violence, and promotes the development and progress of China's anti domestic violence law in combination with the legislation and judicial practice of the anti domestic violence in China and the United States. Step.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the article is divided into seven chapters, with a total of about 17 words.
The first chapter is the basic explanation of domestic violence. This chapter mainly interprets and analyzes the connotation of domestic violence. In general, violence refers to force and is the damage to the rights and interests of other people and property through direct material power. On this basis, scholars have extended the category of violence and will not directly help them. Since the 2001 < marriage law > amendment formally stipulates the civil norms governing and disposing of domestic violence, the definition of domestic violence in our country has been defined by the Supreme People's court in 2001 < about the application of People's Republic of China. The explanation of the marriage law > a number of questions (1) > is based on the interpretation of the first articles. However, since this definition is mainly directed at the judicial practice, the object of the domestic violence, the form of expression and the result of the damage have been debated in the theoretical circle. The object of violence should include the personal right of the victim, property rights, whether physical or mental violence, must be made in a positive way. In addition, the identification of the results of the damage should be lower in order to facilitate the victims to prove that they have suffered domestic violence.
The second chapter, the human rights basis of anti domestic violence. Since the gender based domestic violence is a violation of the human rights of women, the framework of human rights is the basis for the study of gender violence. First, the author analyses the connotation of human rights, the content of human rights, and the human rights of women as special human rights. Secondly, the author analyses the reason of the traditional law. The reasons for not interfering with domestic violence. On the basis of family based, public and private areas, families are considered to belong to the private sphere of law that are unfit for intervention because of their unique privacy and natural emotion. Therefore, all events in the family, including violence against women, are not required to pass the law. "Law means to solve it. Feminist theory has criticized it. By proving the importance of the private and public fields, as well as the disadvantageous effects of the public and private sectors on women, the state must bear the responsibility of opposing the violence against women. Finally, I review the United Nations human rights machine." Since 1980s, after three stages of efforts, the United Nations finally recognised that domestic violence was the first violation of women's human rights, and that domestic violence was interpreted as "gender based violence". In this way, all work on domestic violence should be achieved at the level of international human rights law. Gender equality is the goal.
The third chapter is about the gender based domestic violence and its deconstruction. This chapter is a theoretical analysis of domestic violence based on sex. The first section of this chapter points out that gender, or social gender, is a unique concept created by feminist theory for the unequal reality of men and women in society. The meaning of this is to point out the reality of women in a disadvantaged position. It is not because of the sex of women themselves, but by the shaping of society. Then, this section points out the five significance of gender theory to the study of law. The second section of this chapter analyzes the causes of power in marriage and the nature of such power. Modern society is a contractual society, including marriage, many societies. A contractual relationship is regarded as a contractual relationship. In theory, a contract is an agreement between the equal parties on a voluntary basis and distributive rights and obligations. However, the subject of unequal strength is not a contract that will be concluded, but the contract will become a power relationship because of the inequities of the parties. The men and women of unequal strength have concluded the contract. The third section of this chapter analyzes the real quality of gender based domestic violence. Violence is the tool of the person who is in power and is taken to the power of the person who is in power. But violence and power are not at the same time, but the tools they take when power is lost. When there is power conflict between husband and wife, in order to maintain existing power, the man who is in power will try to make women obey themselves by using the tools of violence.
The fourth chapter, the value orientation and institutional function of the anti domestic violence law. This chapter mainly deals with the two parts, the value orientation and the institutional function of the legislation of domestic violence. The author thinks that the law is the study of rights and the value of justice is the logical basis of the right. Therefore, the value of justice should also be the basic value of the legislation of domestic violence. It is divided into two basic types of distributive justice and correction justice. The author thinks that the justice value of the legislation of anti domestic violence lies in how to realize distribution justice and correct justice in the family. The significance of carrying out the distributive justice lies in the fact that the formation of the relationship between husband and wife derives from the unequal strength of both sides, therefore, it should be made according to the distributive justice. In order to realize the equality of strength, we can eradicate the soil that produces violence fundamentally. The significance of carrying out the correct justice is that no relief is not right. Since violence is a violation of the rights and interests of the victims, it is necessary to provide adequate relief to the victims in time. In theory, Jiao Zhengzheng's righteousness is a supplement to the distribution of justice. The second section of this chapter is in the first part of this chapter. On the basis of the festival, the system function of the anti domestic violence law is put forward. The function of the law is the materialization of the legal value. The author thinks that there should be two level functions, low level functions and advanced functions. The lower function is the concrete embodiment of Jiao Zhengzheng's righteousness, which includes the relief victims and the demands. The perpetrators are responsible for two parts. The advanced function is the concrete embodiment of the distributive justice. It is mainly to give the victims the right to realize the real equality between the two men and women.
The fifth chapter, the comparative study of the civil law substantive law on domestic violence. This chapter is divided into four sections. The first section mainly demonstrates that the theory of domestic violence as the theoretical basis of the tort is its illegality, and on this basis, it commented on the theoretical dispute on domestic violence in Chinese academic circles and the confirmation of domestic violence as deliberate in the United States law. However, the general concept of tort is difficult to accurately describe the special nature of the infringement of domestic violence based on sex. Therefore, in the second section, the author proposes that the infringement of domestic violence based on sex has three special properties: continuity, strategy and abuse. The reason why it is so defined is sex violence. Gender based violence is a means by which men are used to control women, the purpose of which is to maintain a power relationship. As a result, it leads to the helplessness and submission of violent women. Therefore, any domestic violence should not be considered alone, but should be regarded as a means used to oppress the violent women, and that it is the least male. The third section of this chapter discusses the constitutive requirements of the tort of domestic violence. In the Chinese law, the constituent elements of the tort of the fault are mainly four elements, that is, the illegality of the injuring, the damage to the facts, the action of injuring and the result of the damage. In the United States law, domestic violence belongs to different causes, and the author analyzes the main elements of several major violations of domestic violence, they are assault, threat and intentional mental damage. The fourth section of this chapter discusses the damages of domestic violence tort. Modern tort law is damaged by the law of modern tort. For the purpose of filling, compensation for compensatory damages is the primary remedy for tort damage, which is also a common point of compensation for tort damages between China and the United States. However, the American courts often impose punitive damages on the perpetrators. The author believes that the utility of compensatory compensation is limited for domestic violence. In fact, the compensation for compensatory damages is a kind of institutional arrangement conducive to the perpetrators. Punitive damages extend the damages to the third people and social benefits that may be affected by the tort, and advocate a retaliation, that is, no one is entitled to the right. Without others' consent, no one can ask others to give up their rights. Therefore, punitive damages are more in line with the concept of women's protection of human rights.
The sixth chapter is the comparative study of civil law procedural law dealing with domestic violence. The first section of this chapter is the analysis of the civil procedure of the divorce due to domestic violence in our country. In the judicial practice of dealing with domestic violence, the divorce case is the most common. In general, the second section of this chapter, in the second section of this chapter, is an analysis of the United States civil protection order system as an object of.1994 years, all States of the United States.


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