本文选题:离婚损害赔偿 + 权利救济 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The compensation for divorce damages is a relief for the infringement suffered by the party without fault in the marriage relationship. The purpose is to reduce the material and spiritual losses of the victims, and its nature is a kind of typical right relief system. If the couple is affected by one fault, the other faces both physical and mental torture. In such a case, the faultless party is entitled to claim compensation for the physical and mental trauma suffered by the wrongdoing party. As we all know, "protecting the weak" and "showing fairness" are two important principles of our country's marriage and family law, and the construction and operation of the system of compensation for divorce damages is obviously a reaffirmation of these two principles. The system of compensation for divorce damages in China began with the amendment of the Marriage Law of the people's Republic of China on May 28, 2001. The chapter of this Law on "Rescue measures and legal liability" is the legal basis for the establishment of the system. In recent years, more and more scholars devote themselves to the application of divorce damages. However, in the course of judicial practice, the relevant legal provisions which support the establishment of the system are too rigid, resulting in its lack of maneuverability. In view of this, this article adopts the comparative research method, with the legal theory as the instruction, through the analysis judicial practice present situation, reveals our country and the foreign marriage family legal system and the judicial practice the similarities and differences as well as the existence insufficiency. On this basis, the author puts forward some suggestions to optimize the system of divorce damages in China. The system of compensation for divorce damages in our country should put the core into practice on the judicial fairness in real life and form a six-level safeguard mechanism. First, in the burden of proof and rules, the people's court should take the initiative to collect evidence, take the line of proof by the aggrieved spouse, and put the burden of proof upside down, so that the role and value of the system of compensation for divorce damages can be fundamentally highlighted. Second, the scope of application of divorce damages should reflect the system of "protection of the weak", "highlight the equity" of the value of the concept of universal and will cause serious consequences of illegal acts into the scope of damages; third, In the aspect of compensation for moral damages, the victims should be given the right to claim spiritual compensation. Fourth, in terms of the amount of compensation for divorce damages, the amount of compensation for material damages and spiritual damages for divorce should be given weight and weight. The realization of the right of the no-fault party should be ensured from the material point of view. Fifth, in the aspect of the subject of right and obligation in the relationship of compensation for divorce damages, the standard of defining "no-fault" spouse should be given in order to improve the maneuverability of this system in judicial practice. Sixth, with regard to the limitation of divorce proceedings, the right relief should be granted to the injured party while ensuring the coordination of the various articles of the law. The action for divorce damages filed by a no-fault party shall be valid for 12 months from the date on which it knows or ought to know that its rights have been infringed.
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