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发布时间:2018-12-17 05:29
【摘要】:随着我国社会不断的发展,经济水平总量的不断提高,在社会生活中对财产的分配出现了一系列问题,而我国社会近年来出现的离婚现象越来越严重,伴随着离婚率的不断上升,夫妻在离婚时的财产认定及分割问题受到越来越多人的关注。现实生活中,在认定分割离婚财产的过程中也突现许多问题,尤其是对孳息、房屋、股权三方面夫妻离婚财产的认定及分割的问题日益增多。与此同时,由于受到诸多因素的影响,夫妻离婚财产认定及分割在我国司法实践过程中,也变得更加复杂。这其中的原因有多方面,与我国婚姻法的不够完善以及司法理念的现状存在着不可分割的关系,虽然我国2011年新《婚姻法》对夫妻离婚时财产的认定及分割进行了相应的调整,但是在司法实践的过程中还是会暴露出一些不足,导致实际处理过程中仍然会遇到许多问题。本文以我国《婚姻法》关于离婚财产认定及分割的规定为法律依据,主要针对我国夫妻离婚财产认定及分割过程中矛盾较为突出的孳息、房屋、股权三种财产的认定和分割进行了详细的分析和探讨,并对不足之处提出完善建议。 在本文的阐述过程中,,导论部分对本文的研究对象,即中国夫妻离婚财产认定与分割研究的背景、分析方法、意义进行了简述;正文的第一部分对我国夫妻离婚时法律制度尚存不足的孳息认定及分割问题进行分析论述,对孳息的认定及分割的各种观点、国外针对孳息分割的方式方法进行比较归纳,并提出完善我国夫妻离婚时孳息分割的相关建议;正文的第二部分分析讨论我国夫妻离婚时房屋认定及分割过程中争议较多的有限产权房屋及按揭贷款房屋的认定及分割,并提出了相应的完善建议;正文的第三部分是对我国夫妻离婚时股权财产的认定及分割进行分析。首先,对股权的定义及其作为夫妻财产的特殊性进行介绍,其次,具体罗列分析各种股权的分割方法及不足之处,最后,针对夫妻股权分割制度的完善提出建议;结语部分对本文的研究进行总结,阐述本文研究的主要成果以及研究中存在的不足和问题,并展望未来的研究方向。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of our society and the continuous improvement of the total economic level, a series of problems have appeared in the distribution of property in the social life, and the divorce phenomenon has become more and more serious in our society in recent years. With the increasing divorce rate, more and more people pay attention to the problem of property identification and division during divorce. In real life, there are also many problems in the process of ascertaining the divorce property, especially the identification and division of divorce property of husband and wife in the three aspects of fruits, houses and equity. At the same time, due to the influence of many factors, the identification and division of marital divorce property become more complicated in the judicial practice of our country. There are many reasons for this, which is closely related to the imperfection of our marriage law and the present situation of judicial idea, although the new Marriage Law of 2011 has adjusted the identification and division of the property of husband and wife at the time of divorce. However, in the course of judicial practice, some shortcomings will be exposed, which will lead to many problems in the process of practical treatment. Based on the provisions of the Marriage Law of our country on the identification and division of divorce property, this paper mainly aims at the conflicts in the process of the identification and division of divorce property of couples in our country. The identification and division of three kinds of property are analyzed and discussed in detail, and some suggestions are put forward. In this paper, the introduction part of the research object of this paper, namely, the background, analysis methods and significance of the study of divorce property in China; In the first part of the text, the author analyzes and discusses the problems of fruits identification and segmentation in the legal system of divorce of husband and wife in our country, and compares and sums up the methods and methods of fruits division in foreign countries. At the same time, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the division of fruits when the husband and wife divorce in our country. The second part of the text analyzes and discusses the identification and division of housing and mortgage housing which are more controversial in the process of divorce of husband and wife in our country, and puts forward the corresponding improvement suggestions. The third part of the text is to analyze the ownership property in divorce. Firstly, it introduces the definition of equity and its particularity as the property of husband and wife. Secondly, it lists and analyzes the methods and deficiencies of each kind of equity. Finally, it puts forward some suggestions for the perfection of the split system of husband and wife. The conclusion part summarizes the research in this paper, expounds the main achievements, shortcomings and problems in the research, and looks forward to the future research direction.


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