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发布时间:2018-12-17 01:43
[Abstract]:Marriage law is the identity law, which is different from the property law. Compared with the property relationship, the relationship of relative identity is the human relationship and the natural fact, while the property relationship is the legal relationship, is the artificial, the creation of the fact. When people are born to their parents and then to other relatives, they form a human order: the determination of seniority, the taboos of the sexes, the obligation to provide, etc., in the absence of legal norms, This natural order of human relations has already existed, and it is also a natural process for human beings to continue, which determines the ethical and traditional nature of marriage law. Its ethics is manifested in: the legal norms in the marriage law are also the moral norms, there is a great overlap between the two, and the marriage law should respect marriage morality and family ethics in its application. Its tradition is that marriage legislation should respect the traditional customs of this nation and is the inherent law of our country; marriage legislation should also respect the fact state of marriage and family life and conform to the law of the development of human society and should not be too advanced. The ethics and tradition of marriage law have decisive influence on marriage legislation and judicial practice.
【作者单位】: 大连海事大学法学;北京行政学院法学教研部;


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