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发布时间:2018-12-21 17:32
【摘要】:正 非婚生子女,"系指在婚姻关系外受胎所生的子女",有的国家亦称之为私生子。在亲属法发展史上,非婚生子女之法律地位经历了从无到有、从受歧视到受保护的过程。现代社会大都确定非婚生子女的法律地位和权利义务,许多国家亲属法中均设有认领与准正制度,以使非婚生子女依法取得婚生子女的资格。我国婚姻法中没有非婚生子女认领与准正制度,只是概括性地规定"非婚生子女享有与婚生子女同等的权利,任何人不得加以危害和歧视"(第19条),此项过于笼统的规定不利于非婚生子女的健康成长已成为共识。本文拟就非婚生子女的认领和准正问题进行探讨,以抛砖引玉,共为完善我国婚姻家庭立法作贡献。
[Abstract]:Children born out of wedlock refer to children born out of wedlock, which are also called illegitimate children in some countries. In the history of kinship law, the legal status of children born out of wedlock has gone from nothing to existence, from discrimination to protection. In modern society, the legal status, rights and obligations of children born out of wedlock are mostly determined. In many countries, there is a system of claim and right in the laws of relatives, so that children born out of wedlock can obtain the qualification of legitimate children according to law. In our marriage law, there is no system for the claim and correction of children born out of wedlock, but it is generally stipulated that "children born out of wedlock shall enjoy the same rights as children born in wedlock, and no one shall endanger or discriminate against them" (Article 19). It has become a consensus that this too general rule is not conducive to the healthy growth of children born out of wedlock. This paper intends to discuss the issue of the claim and correction of children born out of wedlock so as to contribute to the perfection of the legislation on marriage and family in our country.
【作者单位】: 山东大学法学院


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