[Abstract]:Domestic violence against minors has occurred from time to time in recent years. The Anti-domestic violence Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Anti-domestic violence Law), which has been implemented since March 1, 2016, has brought the prevention and control of domestic violence to a new stage, which is conducive to the further protection of the rights of vulnerable groups. However, the effectiveness of the law after the implementation of domestic violence against minors can be effectively curbed, will need to be tested in practice. In order to perfect the legal protection system of minors, we think that we should proceed from the particularity of minors, legal regulation, relief channels should also be targeted. This article takes "on the prevention and cure of the domestic violence of the minor" as the topic, unifies already implemented "the domestic violence law" carries on the more thorough ponder, besides the introduction, this article is divided into five parts: the first part: the case based on the research. This part starts from two typical cases, first introduces the cases, then analyzes the two cases, and points out the problems existing in dealing with domestic violence against minors in our country. The second part: the theoretical consideration of domestic violence against minors. This part defines the connotation of domestic violence of minors, and analyzes the characteristics and causes of domestic violence against minors, including the influence of traditional culture, from the particularity of minors. The causes of the perpetrators and the lack of legal norms and so on. The third part: the present situation and analysis of the legislation on the prevention and control of domestic violence against minors. This part focuses on the legislative style of the United States, Japan and Taiwan as the object of study. The fourth part: our country prevents and controls the domestic violence against the minor the legislation present situation and the insufficiency. This part mainly introduces the legislation status of preventing and controlling domestic violence against minors in our country. The latest legislative achievement is the promulgation of the Anti-domestic violence Law. Combined with other laws and regulations that have been implemented, the author points out their shortcomings. The fifth part: consummate our country to prevent and cure the domestic violence against the minor suggestion. This part proposes that the principle of "the best interests of minors" should be adhered to in the construction of the system of protection of minors, the special chapter on the protection of minors should be set up in the legal system, the system of proof should be improved, and the legal responsibility after the revocation of parental custody should be clarified. In order to better protect minors.
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