本文关键词: 环保产业PPP模式 法律监管制度 投资回报制度 风险分担制度 出处:《山西财经大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:PPP模式,即Public-Private Partnership,特指社会基础设施与公共服务领域的公司合作伙伴关系。环保产业PPP模式,简单而言就是指在环境保护产业领域,公私两部门共同合作建设、运营环保项目的一种融资与管理方式。将环保产业与PPP模式相结合,不仅可以缓解政府对环保产业的财政压力、突破经济增长瓶颈,还能拓宽环保产业多方参与渠道、助力环保产业市场化改革。在我国环境问题日益严重、经济新常态的当下,正需大力快速发展环保产业。随着环保产业PPP项目的逐渐增多,问题也开始显现。作为参与环保PPP项目的公私两部门,其本身就存在很多问题。对政府部门而言,其契约意识薄弱,监管体系不成规模;而社会私人部门无法保障其投资回报利益,对技术设备专业度的缺乏,都不同程度的影响环保PPP项目的顺利运营。究其原因,最根本的是与环保产业PPP模式相关联的法律制度体系的不完善。因此,完善PPP模式下环保产业运行的法律制度势在必行。环保产业PPP模式法律制度的完善,最重要且最需要完善的制度包括三方面:监管制度、投资回报制度和责任分担制度。环保PPP模式的监管制度中,最先应完善的是多方监督机构的建立,该机构包括政府多级垂直监管机构、第三方监管机构和环保行业协会监管机构。其次通过对项目审批程序的简化与标准化,减少项目时间成本。再次完善项目信息公开共享制度,设立环保PPP项目微信公众平台或网站,向公众公布项目进程、产品指标等信息,方便公众参与项目决策与监督。环保产业PPP模式的投资回报制度,是影响社会资本参与项目积极性的最直接因素。通过建立合理的价格形成制度、基于效益的付费制度以及政府支付制度,确保社会资本获得切实利益。在环保产业PPP模式中,明确公私双方的责任义务,是项目顺利运营的前提。因此针对责任制度的完善,主要从环保PPP项目实施前的风险的预测、公私部门各自权利与责任的划分、风险的分担这三方面予以完善。随着环保产业PPP模式法律制度的不断完善,环保PPP市场的规范不断严格,环保PPP项目定会从目前单一地区内的项目,发展成为跨区域项目,进一步扩大其发挥改造环境、促进经济的作用。
[Abstract]:PPP mode, that is, Public-Private partnership, refers to the corporate partnership between social infrastructure and public services. Environmental protection industry PPP model. In short, it means that in the field of environmental protection industry, the public and private sectors work together to build and operate environmental protection projects in a way of financing and management, combining the environmental protection industry with the PPP model. It can not only alleviate the financial pressure of the government on the environmental protection industry, break through the bottleneck of economic growth, but also widen the channels of participation of the environmental protection industry, and help the market-oriented reform of the environmental protection industry. With the rapid development of environmental protection industry, with the increasing number of environmental protection industry PPP projects, the problem is also beginning to appear. As a public and private sector participating in environmental protection PPP projects. There are many problems in its own right. To the government, its contract consciousness is weak, and the supervision system is not on a scale. And the social private sector can not guarantee its return on investment interest, the lack of technical equipment professional degree, to varying degrees affect the smooth operation of environmental protection PPP projects. The most fundamental is the imperfect legal system associated with the environmental protection industry PPP model. It is imperative to perfect the legal system of environmental protection industry operation under the PPP mode. The most important and most need to perfect the legal system of environmental protection industry PPP model includes three aspects: supervision system. Investment return system and responsibility sharing system. In the supervision system of environmental protection PPP model, the first perfect is the establishment of multi-party supervision agency, which includes the government multi-level vertical supervision agency. Third party regulators and environmental protection industry association regulatory bodies. Secondly, through the simplification and standardization of project approval procedures, reduce project time costs, and improve the project information sharing system again. Set up environmental protection PPP project WeChat public platform or website, announce to the public project progress, product index and other information, facilitate public participation in project decision-making and supervision. Environmental protection industry PPP model of investment return system. It is the most direct factor that affects the enthusiasm of social capital participating in the project. Through the establishment of a reasonable price formation system, based on the benefit of the payment system and the government payment system. In the PPP model of environmental protection industry, it is the premise of the smooth operation of the project to make clear the responsibility obligations of both public and private parties. Therefore, the perfection of the liability system is aimed at the improvement of the responsibility system. Mainly from the environmental protection PPP project before the implementation of the risk prediction, the public and private sectors of the division of rights and responsibilities, risk sharing to improve these three aspects. With the environmental protection industry PPP model legal system constantly improved. The environmental protection PPP market is becoming more and more strict, and the environmental protection PPP project will develop into a cross-regional project from a single regional project at present, which will further expand its role in improving the environment and promoting the economy.
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