本文关键词: 基层地税系统 执法风险 风险防控 出处:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of the times, local tax system is facing a new environment of social development, the economic development of the situation. In the grasp of the development opportunities, challenges and risks. There is also the risk of local tax law enforcement system increased, so it is necessary to study on the risk prevention and control is particularly necessary and urgent. The risk management theory is put forward by western scholars the theory, after the reform and opening up, China began to gradually introduce, research and investment in research and practice of the theory of risk management. The economy of our country market gradually activated, economic activity is increasing. Thus lead to social interests more and more diversified, social activities have become increasingly complex, which to some extent increase the risk the social and economic production in all areas of society. In order to reduce the risk can occur, China began gradually in the field of theory and practice of risk theory, to To improve the work efficiency and security. The first part of the thesis research background and significance of the study of law enforcement risk prevention and control of local taxation system, the domestic and foreign research review and research contents and methods are explained. The second part of the local tax system, the tax law enforcement risk and risk prevention and control of the concept and theoretical basis to clarify, on the risk management theory, elaborated the public power restriction theory. The third part of the thesis on the effectiveness of local taxation system and law enforcement risk prevention and control of local tax system in tax, tax and tax are summarized after the existing problems, and for the causes of the problem in system management, four aspects of law enforcement and law enforcement environment the research and summary. The fourth part draws lessons from experience of foreign tax law enforcement risk prevention and control, and to explain its Chinese revelation. On the fifth Based on the first four parts, this paper aims at the prevention and control of the risk of law enforcement in the grass-roots land tax system, and constructs it from the target system, the execution system and the supervision system.
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