本文关键词: 优先股 普通股 利益失衡 公司治理 利益平衡 出处:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The introduction of preferred stock is of great significance to the capital market and corporate governance. However, from the point of view of corporate governance, the issuance of preferred stock means that the company will produce new stakeholders. How to balance the interests between preferred shareholders and other stakeholders will become a new problem in corporate governance. That is, the balance of interests between preferred stock shareholders and common shareholders, as the direction of the article. The full text will be combined with the existing domestic and foreign preferred stock practice experience. This paper probes into the balance mechanism between preferred shareholders and common shareholders in the context of Chinese company law from the theoretical and practical aspects. In order to put forward some useful suggestions on the construction and perfection of preferred stock system in China. It is divided into five parts: the first part is the basic theory of preferred stock. Preferred stock mainly refers to a kind of "preferential distribution of company profits and surplus property over common shareholders." But participation in the company's decision-making management and other rights are restricted "the category of shares;" The nature of the company is a combination of the advantages of debt equity capital; In essence, it is the result of the allocation of stock right autonomy under the concept of commercial autonomy. Preferred stock will have unique commercial value in capital market and corporate governance. The second part is the risk of imbalance of interests between preferred stock shareholders and common shareholders. Our country has carried out corporate governance in the form of single shares for a long time. Mechanism construction. This kind of preferred shares will impact the traditional concept and system content of our company law, if there is a lack of institutional design of interest balance. The creditor's rights agreement of preferred stock and the voting advantage of common stock may cause the interest imbalance of two kinds of shareholders. From the analysis of the existing practice at home and abroad, the imbalance of interest may appear in dividend distribution and share repurchase. The third part is the cause of interest imbalance between preferred shareholders and common shareholders. The following two theoretical perspectives are helpful to understand the basic logic of the two types of shareholder interest imbalance: first. The theory of "heterogeneity". The difference design of stock right makes preferred shareholders and common shareholders present "heterogeneity", which is embodied in three aspects: interest orientation, risk preference and equity power. Shareholders' dimensional agency theory. The participation right and economic right of preferred stock are allocated non-proportionally. This makes the real agency problem between preferred shareholders and common shareholders. The lack of checks and balances of control will increase the cost of agency between the two types of shareholders. The ultimate manifestation is the imbalance between shareholders. 4th-the way to balance the interests of preferred shareholders and common shareholders. The formation of interest imbalance stems from the unreasonable allocation of rights and obligations of shares. Therefore, the balance between preferred shareholders and ordinary shareholders. The interests of shareholders in the process. We must follow the following basic paths: first, the balance of legal rights between preferred stock and common stock, including the rational allocation of preferred shares and checks and balances of common stock power; Second, the hierarchical evolution of company law fiduciary obligations, including directors' fiduciary obligations and shareholders' fiduciary obligations. Part 5th-the balance of interests between preferred shareholders and common shareholders in China. This part will return to reality. First of all, it will comb the development of Chinese preferred stock and institutional norms, and then from the perspective of comparative and institutional functions to analyze the relevant balance system. At the same time, the author puts forward the corresponding measures to improve the relevant systems of our country, including the issuing system, the resurrection of voting rights system, the classified voting system, the withdrawal system, the information disclosure system and the relief system.
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