本文关键词: 人身保险 销售误导 合理期待原则 保险人说明义务 出处:《大连海事大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's personal insurance industry is in a new period of rapid growth, with an average annual premium increase of more than 20%, especially the State Council's views on speeding up the development of modern insurance services. [The release of "29" (2014) presents a historic opportunity for the development of life insurance. However, this period is often also a period of concentrated exposure. In particular, some violations of the legitimate rights and interests of insurance consumers are also more prominent, personal insurance sales misguided, group group complaints have occurred from time to time, and some areas even broke out more serious group incidents. In 2013, the Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Bureau of Insurance received a total of 21361 effective complaints involving the rights and interests of insurance consumers, an increase of 32.78% over the same period last year. In 2014, the Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Bureau of Insurance received a total of 27902 effective complaints involving the rights and interests of insurance consumers, an increase of 30.622.In order to effectively resolve the misguided dispute over personal insurance sales. To protect the rights and interests of consumers, it is necessary to further clarify the application of laws and regulations in the field of misleading personal insurance sales, and improve the relevant laws and regulations. This article is divided into four chapters. The specific contents are as follows: the first chapter is the main performance of personal insurance sales misdirection, cause analysis and harm; The second chapter is the personal insurance sales misleading dispute resolution, investigation and consumer protection status; The third chapter is the legal regulation and enlightenment of misleading personal insurance sales in other countries. Chapter 4th is to improve the laws and regulations to curb the misleading behavior of personal insurance sales, through the appropriate introduction of "reasonable expectation principle". In order to regulate the misleading behavior of personal insurance sales, the legal regulation of "the obligation of the insurer to explain", "expand the invalid interpretation of the insurance contract" and "expand the scope of the insurance contract" is the possible innovation of this paper. Number one. The research perspective of this paper is innovative. There are many related documents to study the protection of the rights and interests of insurance consumers, but few of the insurance consumers are precisely targeted at the most vulnerable and the most vulnerable of the life insurance consumers in need of protection. At the same time combined with sales misleading research literature is scarce. Second, the paper preliminarily constructs a legal framework to deal with personal insurance sales misdirection, governance sales misdirection is a very strong practical and theoretical proposition. On the basis of reading the existing literature, this paper concludes that "reasonable expectation principle" can be first used in personal insurance disputes, against the use in property insurance contracts. The refinement of applicable objects can perfectly reflect the advantages of "reasonable expectation principle" and avoid its shortcomings. At the same time, it analyzes that the sales and duration of insurance contracts are longer, and the connotation and extension of the contracts should be appropriately expanded. And creatively put forward to regulate the misleading behavior of sales by expanding the invalid interpretation of insurance contract and the constitution of the contract.
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