本文关键词: 互联网金融 投资者 权益保护 出处:《河北经贸大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since 2013, with the official launch of "Yu'e Bao" and other service platforms, the rapid development of Internet finance in China has made remarkable achievements. Internet finance has become one of the hottest topics in daily economic activities. Firstly, this paper traces the origin of Internet finance through the review of its development history in China. Proposed that our daily use of "Internet finance" almost includes all and use the Internet for financial transactions of economic activities, and through further exploration of the industry, academia, official understanding of "Internet finance". This paper proposes the concept of Internet finance. For Internet financial investors, the first need to clarify the concept of financial investors and consumers. It is proposed that Internet financial consumers are investors in essence, but the consumer protection system can be introduced into the financial investors, but need to make separate laws, or to amend the consumer protection law. Due to the short history of Internet finance in our country, the related system is also in the initial stage of exploration, and most administrative rules and regulations are also in the "temporary" and "trial" stage, there are still some defects and problems. Specific to the Internet financial investors protection system, mainly in legislation, industry self-discipline. China's Internet financial investor protection system needs to be improved in theory and practice. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the introduction. The background, purpose, significance and current research status of Internet finance in China are studied. The second part is an overview of the protection of the rights and interests of Internet financial investors. Mainly including the development of Internet finance in China, the concept of Internet finance. The status of Internet Financial investors and the necessity of perfecting the Investor Protection system the third part is the status quo and problems of the Internet Financial investors Protection system in China. On the Protection system of Internet Financial investors and the characteristics and problems of Internet Financial Investor Protection system at present in China from the angle of preventing financial crimes 4th part is the perfection of China's Internet Financial Investor Protection system. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors. The author proposes to establish the principle of protecting the interests of investors in the laws and regulations of Internet finance. At the same time, we should take the essence of the relevant legal systems of foreign countries, discard the dross, and improve the access system of Internet financial enterprises. Improve the regulatory system, standardize corporate behavior, prevent Internet financial crimes and other aspects of sound Internet financial supervision system, and improve the industry self-regulation system, expand the channels for Internet financial investors to protect their rights, and so on. Establish and improve China's Internet financial investor protection system.
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